Seminar of the Baltic Sea Region University Network | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-06-16

Seminar of the Baltic Sea Region University Network

Photo Krzysztof Krzempek / Gdańsk University of Technology
On 11 June 2021, another seminar of the Baltic Sea Region University Network - BSRUN (Baltic Sea Region University Network) was held. "University Management Reforms in Poland - Expectations and Experiences".

The topic of the seminar was sparked by the interest of Latvian partners who are trying to introduce a new law on higher education in their country. At this stage, many questions and doubts arose regarding, for example, defining the competences and powers of University Councils. Prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, vice-rector for organization and development invited prof. Tomasz Klimczuk, a member of the University Council and prof. Maciej Duszczyk, chairman of the University Council of the University of Gdańsk to take part in the meeting.

During the meeting, prof. Maciej Duszczyk presented to the participants the reform of Polish higher education system in more detail, discussing the changes in recent years and Act 2.0. The seminar participants discussed the autonomy of universities after the reform (including financial autonomy); financing the reform, method of electing / appointing the rector, governing bodies, their composition and appointment of members, allowances for participation / fees for meetings / remuneration of board members. During the two-hour meeting, both council representatives provided comprehensive answers to various questions in this regard.