Gdańsk Tech among 10 Polish universities classified in the Shanghai 2021 ranking | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-08-19

Gdańsk Tech among 10 Polish universities classified in the Shanghai 2021 ranking

Logo of Shanghai's ranking
Gdańsk University of Technology was classified for the second time in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), that is the so-called Shanghai ranking, which is considered to be the most prestigious ranking of universities in the world. Our university maintained its position in the ninth hundred and recorded a point increase in three ranking indicators.

Each year, ARWU classifies over 2,000 universities. A ranking of over 1000 of the best among them is published.

The ranking methodology is based on a set of six indicators, which include:

  • the number of graduates with the Nobel Prize and other prestigious thematic / area prizes (the so-called Alumni - 10% of weight),
  • the number of university employees with the Nobel Prize and other prestigious thematic / area awards (Award - 20%),
  • the number of the most cited scientists in the world - a ranking by Clarivate Analytics (HiCi – 20%),
  • the number of articles published in the journals Nature and Science (N&S - 20%),
  • the number of articles indexed in the Science Citation Index - Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index based on data in the Web of Science database (PUB – 20%),
  • the weighted results of the above five indicators divided by the number of full-time university researchers (PCP - 10%).

In this year's ranking Gdańsk University of Technology maintained its position in the range of 801-900 and recorded a point increase in three ranking indicators: HiCi, PUB and PCP.

Moreover, among the 10 Polish universities classified in ARWU 2021, for the second time Gdańsk Tech obtained the highest score (13.1 points) in the PCP index (i.e. for the weighted result of the remaining five indicators divided by the number of full-time university researchers).

In this year's edition of the ranking, as many as four Polish universities, including Gdańsk University of Technology, scored points in the HiCi (Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate Analytics) index. The list prepared by Clarivate Analytics in 2021, showing the most cited scientists from around the world, again included in the late prof. Jacek Namieśnik, rector of Gdańsk Tech in 2016-2019.

The top positions of this year's edition of the ranking were again dominated by American universities - as many as 8 of them were in the TOP10. Among the 10 Polish universities included in the list, the highest positions were taken by the University of Warsaw and the Jagiellonian University (range 401-500). Two more universities were classified in the same range as Gdańsk Tech: SGGW and the Medical University of Silesian Piasts in Wrocław.