Gdańsk Tech starts cooperation with the National Taiwan Ocean University | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-08-23

Gdańsk Tech starts cooperation with the National Taiwan Ocean University

In the photo from the left: prof. Edmund Wittbrodt, Rector's Plenipotentiary for cooperation with the Polish Space Agency, prof. Marek Dzida, Vice-Rector for Education, PhD Xsavier Li-Wen Liao and prof. Marek Moszyński, vice president of the Polish Space Agency. Photo Gdańsk Tech materials.
In the photo from the left: prof. Edmund Wittbrodt, Rector's Plenipotentiary for cooperation with the Polish Space Agency, prof. Marek Dzida, Vice-Rector for Education, PhD Xsavier Li-Wen Liao and prof. Marek Moszyński, vice president of the Polish Space Agency. Photo Gdańsk Tech materials.
Scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology are working on establishing closer cooperation with the National Taiwan Ocean University in Taiwan. It would concern both the didactic aspect and scientific research, with particular emphasis on space and satellite technologies.

On Wednesday, 18 August 2021, at the initiative of prof. Marek Moszyński, vice-president of the Polish Space Agency, a meeting of representatives of Gdańsk University of Technology and the National Taiwan Ocean University in Taiwan was held. Gdańsk Tech was represented by the vice-rector for education, Marek Dzida, professor at Gdańsk Tech and prof. Edmund Wittbrodt, Rector's Plenipotentiary for cooperation with the Polish Space Agency and the European Space Agency, and the Taiwanese university was represented by PhD Xsavier Li-Wen Liao. Numerous NTOU professors also attended the online part of this meeting.

After the presentation of both universities, a discussion began, which concerned the possibility of establishing cooperation both in the field of teaching and research, with particular emphasis on space and satellite technologies. The interest and the possibility of scientific cooperation on such issues as: smart ships, smart ports, unmanned ships and underwater vehicles, green energy, zero emission vessels and wind energy were also signaled.

Both parties agreed to specify the possible areas of cooperation by mid-October, which would make it possible to sign a cooperation agreement between Gdańsk University of Technology and the National Taiwan Ocean University. Since 2017, Gdańsk University of Technology has been implementing a cooperation agreement with another Taiwanese university, but in the field of architecture (National Taipei University of Technology).

Thanks to the visit to Gdańsk University of Technology, PhD Xsavier Li-Wen Liao also had the opportunity to visit the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, where he met with the vice dean of the faculty, prof. Mariusz Deja, as well as the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, where he visited research laboratories.