Date added: 2021-09-10
NutRedOx - network activity closing meeting
The NutRedOx network brings together science and technology partners from 34 countries in Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, and the leading theme is “Personalized Nutrition in aging society: redox control of major age related diseases ”.
The partners' activities, which were carried out over the last four years, were financed under the European Framework Program Horizon 2020.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the last meeting within the NutRedOx network will take place in a hybrid formula, and the meeting program, in addition to summaries, will also include a scientific session presenting the effects of cooperation between institutions and scientists - beneficiaries of this initiative.
Young scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology have repeatedly benefited from the financing of trips to laboratories in other countries (Serbia and Romania), participation in international conferences and courses, as well as hosting colleagues from Italy, Latvia, Serbia and Armenia and carrying out joint research projects with them, which were the basis for later publications.
The tasks and scope of the COST NutRedOx action are presented in this short film: