Gdańsk Tech bought the building at Sobieskiego Street that formerly belonged to the University of Gdańsk | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-12-10

Gdańsk Tech bought the building at Sobieskiego Street that formerly belonged to the University of Gdańsk

In the picture. prof. Piotr Stepnowski, rector of the University of Gdańsk, Monika Forkiewicz, legal counsel at Gdańsk Tech, prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, Greta Wiśniewska, notary public, and Mariusz Miler, chancellor of Gdańsk Tech. Photo Krzysztof Krzempek/ Gdańsk University of Technology
In the picture. prof. Piotr Stepnowski, rector of the University of Gdańsk, Monika Forkiewicz, legal counsel at Gdańsk Tech, prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, Greta Wiśniewska, notary public, and Mariusz Miler, chancellor of Gdańsk Tech. Photo Krzysztof Krzempek/ Gdańsk University of Technology
Direct neighborhood with the Gdańsk Tech campus, unique architectural and urban values, and above all the need for further, dynamic development of the university - these are the main reasons why Gdańsk University of Technology bought the building that formerly belonged to the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Gdańsk at 18 Sobieskiego Street in Gdańsk. The value of the transaction is PLN 24 million.

Direct neighborhood with the Gdańsk Tech campus, unique architectural and urban values, and above all the need for further, dynamic development of the university - these are the main reasons why Gdańsk University of Technology bought the building that formerly belonged to the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Gdańsk at 18 Sobieskiego Street in Gdańsk. The value of the transaction is PLN 24 million.

Gdańsk University of Technology took over the property at the turn of November and December, and the finalization of the transaction was supported by an analysis of the condition of the building and the possibility of adjusting it to the statutory tasks of the university. As emphasized by the authorities of the University of Technology, the property is located in the immediate vicinity of the university campus and is its natural development area.

– The real estate, along with its most important part, i.e. the building of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Gdańsk, has unique architectural and urban values - says prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech. – Together with our campus, it determines the character of the entire district. The building, that is historically similar in its style and architecture, will naturally complement the resources of our university, perfectly fitting into the educational space of this part of the city - he adds.

– We are glad that the building will be part of the campus of Gdańsk University of Technology that surrounds it in fact. We will allocate the funds obtained from the sale of the facility to the further development of the campus of the University of Gdańsk in Oliwa – adds prof. Piotr Stepnowski.

A natural place for the further development of Gdańsk Tech

The transaction in the amount of PLN 24 million includes a five-storey research and teaching building (with a full-size sports hall) with a usable area of over 8,000 m2, as well as a library pavilion with an area of 900 m2 and smaller workshop and warehouse buildings.

The university intends to renovate the building and the adjacent area, and then adapt it for its own needs and extend its research and development potential. It is already known that the laboratories located there after refurbishment will be used by scientists from the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at Gdańsk Tech, and the classrooms will be used by students (of the first years for whom Gdańsk Tech organizes compensatory classes in science every year), and the sports hall will be rented: mainly to the university employees, but later also commercially. The building of the former library will be taken over by the Gdańsk Tech Maritime Technology Center, and the university also intends to revitalize the purchased green areas and give them a park function.

– Archival sources indicate that the first efforts to take over the facility were made by Gdańsk University of Technology as early as 1947. However, the valuable building was then awarded to the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical Academy – says Mariusz Miler, Gdańsk Tech Chancellor. - We are now the owners of this plot, with a total area of approximately 2.5 hectares with buildings, which will allow us to carry out our statutory tasks. We are aware, however, of how many challenges are still ahead of us, as restoring this historic building to its glory will require extensive efforts, considerable resources and hard work.

When joining the transaction, both universities carried out a number of activities aimed at its finalization, starting from the preparation of an appraisal report, setting the conditions, negotiating the price, obtaining the consent of the relevant university bodies and the consent of the President of the State Treasury Prosecutor's Office. The conclusion of the final agreement was possible only when the President of the National Property Stock did not exercise the right of pre-emption.

The history of the facility at 18 Sobieskiego Street

The building was constructed in the years 1905–1908 for the Royal Catholic Teachers' Seminar, and is credited with the German Renaissance style. The main building of the seminar and the building with housing for teachers and utility buildings were constructed on a large plot of land, a huge part of which was intended for a park and utility gardens. The main building was built on an elongated plan, with two wings on the side of the street, and was connected with the residential building by a catwalk. On the ground floor there are classrooms, a library, a sports hall and conference room, offices and utility rooms. The building also houses a dormitory. The facades are decorated with stone architectural details. The body of the building was enlivened with a clock tower.

During the Second Free City of Gdańsk, it housed the School of Crafts and Households, a girls' secondary school and a sports association. In 1945, the slightly damaged building was the seat of the Internal Security Corps troops, then it was partially taken over by the Cooperative Secondary School. In 1947, the building was awarded to the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical Academy. Since 1948, it was the seat of the Pedagogical University, and then the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Gdańsk.