International Scientific Effectiveness Board (ISEB) visiting Gdańsk Tech | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-12-08

International Scientific Effectiveness Board (ISEB) visiting Gdańsk Tech

ISEB members in the Senate Hall. From left to right: Sławomir Smoleń, Marc Zolver, Francisco José Mora Más, Mika Hannula, and Eugenijus Valatka (not appearing in the picture is Roberto Zanino who joined the group in the evening Dec. 2)
ISEB members in the Senate Hall. From left to right: Sławomir Smoleń, Marc Zolver, Francisco José Mora Más, Mika Hannula, and Eugenijus Valatka (not appearing in the picture is Roberto Zanino who joined the group in the evening Dec. 2). Photo Krzysztof Krzempek / Gdańsk Tech
The beginning of December saw the long-awaited in-person visit of the International Scientific Effectiveness Board (ISEB) at Gdańsk Tech. ISEB is an advisory and monitoring body foreseen in the implementation plan of the IDUB excellence project and appointed at the beginning of this year.

ISEB members, Mika Hannula (Vice-Rector for Partnerships and Strategic Engagement, University of Turku, Finland), Francisco José Mora Más (Rector 2013–2021, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain), Sławomir Smoleń (professor, Hochschule Bremen, Germany), Eugenijus Valatka (Rector, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Roberto Zanino (Vice-Rector for European Relations, Politecnico di Torino, Italy), oraz Marc Zolver (Vice-President International Affairs, CentraleSupélec / Université Paris-Saclay, France), came for the first time to visit the Gdańsk Tech premises in person. Earlier this year, on May 6, they took part in an online kickoff meeting with the authorities of Gdańsk Tech.

The ISEB members visited the Gdańsk Tech campus and several research laboratories (Nanotechnology Center, Model Testing Pool, LINTE^2, and FutureLAB), held interviews with internal and external stakeholders of the Gdańsk Tech excellence project, heard out the self-assessment report on the project execution so far, and had talks with the university authorities. Based on a written self-assessment report from Gdańsk Tech and the knowledge acquired during the visit, the Board will prepare their opinion and recommendations for the upcoming project execution steps.

The internal stakeholders were represented by: Justyna Jodłowska (member of Student Government), Dr Justyna Szostak and Dr Michał Winiarski (assistant professors), and Monika Czerepak (International Relations Office, representing support staff). The external stakeholders were: Małgorzata Winiarek-Gajewska, CEO NDI Group (external member of the University Council), Dr Jerzy Świniański (President, Gdańsk Tech Alumni Association), Jan Mioduski, CEO Techno Service S.A. (Gdańsk Tech Business Club PKB+:), and Dr Adam Mikołajczyk, Director, Department of Regional and Spatial Development, Local Government of Pomorskie Voivodship (Representative of the local government).