SeaSentinel - port drone preventing contamination. New SimLE project | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-01-17

SeaSentinel - port drone preventing contamination. New SimLE project

Students from the science club SimLE are working on a new project. It is SeaSentinel, a port drone that will monitor the cleanliness of the port basin from the water level, but also prevent any contamination.

The originator of the project is Igor Rusiecki, a first-year student of ocean engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology. He started working on the drone while still in high school (and got to the final of the Explory competition already at the preliminary stage of work), and now he decided to continue his work at Gdańsk University of Technology with the SimLE team.

The port of the future

– We approach the project in a completely new way. The idea is that each drone will be equipped with sensors that check parameters such as water turbidity, temperature and possibly pH. The port drone project is based on the concept of the port of the future. The trend that has been present on the market for years is automation and the desire to reduce the so-called human factor. Most of the collisions do not arise because of machinery faults or weather conditions, but because of inadvertent human behavior – says the student.

– On the camera we will not see any leakage of fuel into the water, we will not notice that a ship is illegally dumping waste from various types of filters. The drone is to be the eyes of port authorities. In order to operate and clean, you need to know that pollution occurs and our project is supposed to serve that purpose - emphasizes Igor Rusiecki.

The drone is to be built by the end of 2022.