The best high schools and secondary technical schools in Pomerania awarded | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-03-22

The best high schools and secondary technical schools in Pomerania awarded

Photo: Dawid Linkowski/Gdańsk Tech
The Gala of the Pomeranian Ranking of High Schools and Secondary Technical Schools Perspektywy 2022, which was one of the elements of the Gdańsk Tech Open Days is over. During the event, prof. Krzysztof Wilde, the rector of Gdańsk University of Technology and Józef Sarnowski, a member of the board of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, honored the best high schools and technical secondary schools. Representatives of the awarded schools planted trees on the campus, that are to be a symbol of the place where new scientific talents are growing.  

On 21 March, in the Gdańsk Tech Hydromechanics building, a ceremony was held to honor the best secondary schools in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, that is the Pomeranian Ranking of High Schools and Secondary Technical Schools Perspektywy 2022. Local government authorities and the authorities of the university itself, as well as representatives of the winning schools were invited to the event.

 – Another gala of the Pomeranian Ranking of High Schools and Secondary Technical Schools of the Perspektywy Foundation is held at Gdańsk University of Technology, which I am especially pleased with. It shows that our university is an open, friendly place and willingly chosen by high school graduates to study – emphasized prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology. The speech given by prof. Krzysztof Wilde officially opened the award ceremony for the best secondary schools.

The Rector addressed a special message to students from Ukraine with the assurance that Gdańsk University of Technology can provide them with the possibility of further education and development, that they will find at our university an opportunity for further development for their passions and interests. - We want to help you rebuild your country, equipping you with the knowledge and skills you will need to do so, he emphasized.

Interactive lecture and support for students

–We want to become even stronger and more internationally recognized, which is why, together with the Medical University of Gdańsk and the University of Gdańsk, we have created Fahrenheit Universities - a union and ultimately a federation that will allow us to work even better on the dynamic development of our universities and significantly advance in world rankings. At the same time, we are constantly investing in the development of Gdańsk University of Technology and the conditions for work and study. We also focus on ecology and active fight against climate change. Last year, we were chosen the greenest university in Poland on the basis of the Green Metric World University Ranking - added the Gdańsk Tech rector.

The honorary patronage over the event was taken by the Marshal of the province of Pomeranian Voivodeship Mieczysław Struk, represented at the ceremony by Józef Sarnowski, a member of the board of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. In the next part of the gala, an interactive lecture on innovative teaching methods was presented. The lecture was conducted by Joanna Mytnik, professor at Gdańsk Tech, director of the Center for Innovative Teaching. Barbara Wikieł, professor at Gdańsk Tech, director of the Gdańsk Tech Mathematics Center, talked about programs and scholarships for first-year students, as well as the possibilities of obtaining grants for research and support for science clubs.

The award ceremony, as part of the Perspektywy 2022 Ranking, began with honoring high schools. The best of them are: Navy of the Republic of Poland III Secondary School with Bilingual Classes in Gdynia, Stefan Żeromski 5th High School in Gdańsk and the Gdańsk Autonomous High School in Gdańsk. Among the Secondary Technical Schools the highest in the ranking is: Technical Secondary School at the IT School Complex in Słupsk, Maciej Płażyński IT Technical School in Puck and the Defenders of the Polish Post Technical Secondary School No. 4 in Gdańsk.

A new tradition at Gdańsk University of Technology

At the end of the gala, a new tradition at the university was inaugurated. The headmasters of the best high school and secondary technical school, together with the GUT Rector, planted two oaks, symbols of the place where talents grow. - We want young, talented people who come to Gdańsk University of Technology to have the best conditions for education and development here - emphasized Rector Wilde.

The gala was held during the Open Days of Gdańsk University of Technology. Students and teachers visiting the university had the opportunity to get to know the University of Technology from the inside. The university campus, presentation of faculties and science clubs, meetings with students and a field game are just some of the many attractions that took place on the campus.