Gdańsk University of Technology Open Days 2022 attracted crowds of students | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-03-28

Gdańsk University of Technology Open Days 2022 attracted crowds of students

Photo: Dawid Linkowski / Gdańsk Tech
Photo: Dawid Linkowski / Gdańsk Tech
Hundreds of high school graduates visiting the student town in front of the Main Building, nearly 32 thousand users on the Wirtualna PG website and over 2.5 thousand online event registrations. Gdańsk University of Technology Open Days 2022 are over.

This year's Open Days of Gdańsk University of Technology, dedicated to high school students who are thinking about technical studies, were very popular both stationary and online. For the first time, the event took place in a hybrid formula: on 21 March students of Pomeranian schools could visit the campus of the university, talk to lecturers and students and feel the real atmosphere of studying at Gdańsk Tech, and on 22 March the virtual University of Technology was visited by students and teachers not only from Gdańsk, but also from Poland and all over the world.

Hundreds of students on the Gdańsk Tech campus

The beautiful weather on the first day of spring encouraged young people to visit the campus, where the participants found many attractions. Each of the eight faculties prepared a rich offer for future students - presentations of individual fields of study, descriptions of the professions, the possibility of visiting the faculty buildings, as well as meetings with lecturers and students.

The interest was enormous  concludes Jakub Persjanow, chairman of the Gdańsk Tech Student Self-government.  The first groups arrived before 9.00. Until 3 p.m. we had a constant influx of high school graduates and students of the first and second grades of secondary schools. Most questions related to recruitment and admission conditions, but young people were also interested in the possibilities of scientific development and student life.

Visitors to the campus could participate in interesting lectures given by scientists from all faculties. Lectures were also available online and translated into English for foreign-language audiences.

FOKA and field game

The Forum of Organizations and Academic Circles FOKA invited young people to a run-down of organizations and science clubs operating at Gdańsk University of Technology, where it is possible to spend time in an interesting way, pursue passions, develop scientifically and meet people with similar interests. The field game prepared by the Student Self-government of Gdańsk University of Technology was very popular. 250 people took part in it, of which 120 completed it in full. The game contained 11 stations scattered around the key campus locations, where unique tasks awaited the participants and was supported by a special application designed by the Gdańsk Tech SS.

During the event, there was also a ceremony of honoring the best secondary schools in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, i.e. the Pomeranian Ranking of High Schools and Technical Secondary Schools of Perspektywy 2022. The honorary patronage over the event was taken by the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship Mieczysław Struk, represented at the ceremony by Józef Sarnowski, a member of the board of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. The representatives of the distinguished schools planted trees on the Gdańsk Tech premises, which are to be a symbol of the place where new scientific talents are growing. The ceremony was broadcast online on the Gdańsk Tech YouTube channel, and the meeting was translated live into sign language.

List of cities from which the users of the website connected to the event

Virtually for the second time

The Virtual Open Day, which took place on 22 March, was dedicated to everyone interested in getting to know Gdańsk University of Technology, who could not visit the university in person. For the first time, this form of university presentation appeared last year, when all mass events were canceled due to the pandemic. Thanks to this solution, students and teachers from all over Poland and abroad could visit Gdańsk for a while.

This year's edition also attracted people from many European countries, but also from the United States, Singapore, Brazil and Canada.

List of countries from which the users of the website connected to the event

Almost 32,000 users were recorded on the website It was possible to choose from among lectures in many fields - from robotics, through biotechnology to financial management, prepared by each of the faculties. The employees of the Education Office talked about the recruitment without secrets, explaining all doubts related to the application for selected studies. The Center for Innovative Teaching presented its latest educational projects and teaching innovations at the university. Five reasons why you should study in English were presented by the International Relations Office, and the Careers Office invited everyone to the workshops on shaping your own personal brand.

86% of all participants on that day are high school students, the rest of the registered people qualified for the groups: students, teachers or parents.

The event enjoyed great media attention. The material about the Open Days of Gdańsk University of Technology was published, among others, by TVN Turbo, Radio Gdańsk, TVP Gdańsk, Radio Kaszebe, Program 4 of the Polish Radio, as well as on the Tró and portals.

On 21 March, prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech, appeared in the Panorama Forum on TVP 3 Gdańsk, where one of the topics of the conversation was the Open Days.

Information about the Open Days on Facebook reached over 112 thousand people from all over Poland.