The best of the best marketing and promotion specialists in the academic world | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-04-27

The best of the best marketing and promotion specialists in the academic world

Albert Einstain
Gdańsk University of Technology took 3rd place in Genius Universitatis 2022 - an open marketing competition organized by the "Perspektywy" Foundation, addressed to all Polish universities, including faculties and institutes. 37 universities took part in this year's edition, and 79 projects were assessed. We won the podium thanks to the idea and implementation of the Virtual Open Day, which took place on 21 March 2021, during the pandemic, and enjoyed a huge attendance of those interested in studying at Gdańsk Tech.

The Genius Universitatis competition, organized by the "Perspektywy" Foundation, aims to promote modern and innovative practices and marketing tools used by universities to support recruitment for studies and promotion of the entire university or a given faculty / institute. Universities could submit works in one or more of the eight competition categories. The applications were evaluated by the jury composed of marketing experts led by prof. Artur Krajewski, PhD, DSc from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.

On 22 April, during the 37th International Educational Salon of 2022, the final of the competition took place, during which the winners were announced. Gdańsk University of Technology took third place in the Event category.

Virtual University of Technology

The final evaluation was determined, among others, by the innovativeness of the idea, consistency with the values of the university, readability and friendly character of the message, aesthetics and the artistic value, as well as the skillful selection of tools.

– The first Polish National Virtual Open Day of Gdańsk University of Technology was designed to achieve the key strategic goals of promotion of Gdańsk Tech. One of our main assumptions is building the image of a modern research university with a focus on the development of online communication and education tools – explains Justyna Borkowska, head of the Gdańsk Tech Promotion Office - The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the models of education and forms of communication. Organizing an event on such a large scale, in an online formula, was our answer to the lockdown. That is why we invited students for a virtual tour with many attractions.

On the website dedicated to the event -, specially designed to meet the needs of the candidates, there is a cartoon town of Gdańsk Tech, together with films presenting the specificity of each of the eight faculties in a short and accessible way. Walking around the map, you could also "visit" all the faculties and some of the university units, chat with students and lecturers, listen to interesting lectures, participate in trainings or webinars, or ask questions about the admission process. In the evening, the participants of the Virtual Open Day had the opportunity to take part in an online concert, the star of which was the band Bitamina.

– Many of our attractions happened "live". We also created a special TV studio in the Courtyard of D. G. Fahrenheit. All this meant that over 4,300 people registered for individual events, and over 30,000 users were registered on the website - emphasizes Justyna Borkowska.

The most interesting events at universities

A total of 17 universities from all over Poland were awarded in seven competition categories. Virtual Open Day won an award in the Event category. Among the winners there were also: the Faculty of Architecture of the Białystok University of Technology and the AGH University of Science and Technology.

– A flash of creativity can be noticed in many universities – said the organizers Bianka Śliwińska and Artur Krajewski from the "Perspektywy" Foundation during the gala - Universities are doing their job, they were not disturbed by the pandemic, or low budgets and procedures. One thing is certain - it is worth being creative, it is worth following the fashion, it is also worth breaking the patterns and remaining true