Gdańsk Tech is a member of the ENHANCE consortium | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-05-19

Gdańsk Tech is a member of the ENHANCE consortium

members of conference
Participants of the conference of the ENHANCE consortium of the European Universities of Technology Alliance. Photo: Warsaw University of Technology materials  
On 12-13 May 2022, the Warsaw University of Technology hosted the conference of the ENHANCE consortium of the European Universities of Technology Alliance - a consortium of seven leading European technical universities. The consortium is to expand soon, and Gdańsk University of Technology will be among its members.

Introducing innovative teaching methods on a large scale, facilitating students' The ENHANCE consortium of the European Universities of Technology Alliance consists of seven leading European technical universities: Berlin University of Technology, RWTH in Aachen, Chalmersa University of Technology in Gothenburg, Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, University of Technology in Milan, University of Technology in Valencia and Warsaw University of Technology. At the universities, the consortium educates a total of 245 thousand students and employ over 41.3 thousand employees. Over the past five years, 4,400 students and employees of these universities have participated in various exchange programs. The partners obtained a total of over 4,000. patents.

Now the group of the ENHANCE consortium of the European Universities of Technology Alliance, which in the future may provide its graduates with a diploma from each of the universities included in the consortium, is to be joined by three more universities: the University of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) - considered one of the best technical universities in the world, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) - the largest and oldest technical university in the Netherlands, and Gdańsk University of Technology.

 Joining the group of such recognized universities is a great prestige and distinction that will give our university completely new development opportunities. It is also an opportunity for a constructive participation in the development of an ambitious project of building European universities  says prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Rector of Gdańsk Tech  During the session, together with representatives from Zurich and Delft, we talked about which fields and to what extent we intend to cooperate with other universities that make up the ENHANCE consortium of the European Universities of Technology Alliance, as well as about the content of the application to the European Commission, which will approve the expansion of the group of its members. These talks were very honest, effective and conducted in a friendly atmosphere, which was undoubtedly influenced by the hosts and co-founders of the consortium, i.e. the authorities of the Warsaw University of Technology. The cooperation between our universities is already close and fruitful. We will certainly develop it in the future - adds the Gdańsk Tech rector.

Directions for development until 2030

The meeting at the Warsaw University of Technology was opened by its rector, prof. Krzysztof Zaremba and prof. Anne Borg, rector of NTNU and chairman of the ENHANCE Board of Directors. During two days, meetings and workshops were held, during which rectors, vice-chancellors and directors of international cooperation departments of the ENHANCE consortium shared their insights on the functioning of the consortium and discussed the directions of its development until 2030. Prof. Rik Van de Walle, President of CESAER and Rector of Ghent University, also presented expert insight into the area of education and research in the context of the European Universities program.

At the current stage of ENHANCE's development, the leaders' meeting was also an opportunity to exchange views and reflect on the general directions of the consortium's activities in 2024-2030, as well as to update missions, work packages and projects.

During the conference Gdańsk University of Technology was represented by: prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech, prof. Janusz Nieznański, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Innovation, Justyna Szostak, PhD, Eng. chairman of the rector's committee for internationalization, and Anna Modrzejewska, head of the International Relations Office.


The aim of the ENHANCE consortium of the European Universities of Technology Alliance project is systemic, structural and permanent cooperation between the universities of the consortium, which will lead to the development of new solutions that go beyond the existing models of cooperation. Detailed objectives adopted by ENHANCE universities include: choice of subjects from the offer of partner universities, creating a system facilitating the mobility of the academic community and reducing bureaucratic barriers. Universities participating in the project also cooperate with associated partners - enterprises, city offices, student organizations, research networks, foundations and non-profit organizations.