A mural was created on the Gdańsk Tech campus to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the ETI Faculty | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-05-23

A mural was created on the Gdańsk Tech campus to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the ETI Faculty

Photo of mural
Photo: Krzysztof Krzempek/Gdańsk Tech
On the wall at the back of the buildings adjacent to the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, you can already admire a colorful mural, which is the result of a team work of over 30 people. The project was prepared by the students of architecture: Hubert Barnik and Marika Domurad, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the faculty.

The mural, which we can already admire on the Gdańsk Tech campus, was created on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics. The project was carried out by students of the 4th semester of engineering studies at the Faculty of Architecture, as part of optional classes conducted at the Department of Visual Arts by prof. Jan Buczkowski and PhD Edyta Urwanowicz. The classes were held in the form of a competition. FETI authorities funded prizes for the best projects. In the first stage, design works were carried out in 8 teams. The requirement was to take into account the context of the site (the vicinity of the ETI buildings connected by a glass catwalk) and the issues dealt with by the faculty.

The work selected for implementation was designed by Hubert Barnik and Marika Domurad, illustrating the phenomenon of constant intertwining of technology with everyday life. The mural was made in colors that create a kind of interior with elements symbolizing modern technology, which is ubiquitous in the place where people live. It is also a reference to the arrangement of adjacent buildings.

­ Painting works took 2 weeks. It was truly a group project. A total of 30 students worked on the mural. Together with PhD Edyta Urwanowicz, I joined in to help in the implementation of the project. Working on a wall almost 40 meters long and 3.80 meters high is very different from painting in a studio. You have to learn to use other tools, such as: a paint roller, a spirit level or masking tape (we used over 1 km of it). You should also plan and coordinate everything well - allocate tasks and arrange the next stages (applying a drawing, painting large polygons symbolizing walls and finally colorful linear forms) - says prof. Jan Buczkowski. During our work, we heard a lot of enthusiastic comments. We believe that the new mural will have a positive impact on the atmosphere of the place. This is the third painting project on the Gdańsk Tech campus, which was created in recent years. Previously, it was the staircase and elevator shaft in the Main Building.

In addition to the winning mural design, the work of Julia Gątarek, Klaudia Grządkowska, Alicja Jasiel, Kinga Piekarska, Klaudia Puławska and the idea of Joanna Laskowska, Hanna Malara, Karolina Mierzejewska and Alina Olszewska were also awarded.