Another year on the podium. Gdańsk Tech among the best technical universities in Poland | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-06-23

Another year on the podium. Gdańsk Tech among the best technical universities in Poland

Perspektywy ranking
Gdańsk University of Technology was placed 3rd in the ranking of the best technical universities and 6th in the classification of all universities in the country, in this year’s ranking of “Perspektywy” Education Foundation. In the ranking by subject, field of study „Environmental Engineering”, the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Gdańsk Tech, was ranked the 1st in Poland.

Perspektywy University Ranking" has been organized since 1999 and is the most important and the most popular ranking of this type in Poland. It takes into account all universities: both public and private (except for academies of art), which have at least one entitlement to award doctoral degrees and have a minimum of 200 full-time students. The correctness and reliability of the ranking is supervised by the Ranking Board, chaired by Prof. Michał Kleiber, former president of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

In this year’s edition, Gdańsk University of Technology was ranked 6th in the general qualifications, simultaneously taking the highest position among universities in north Poland. In the ranking of best Polish technical universities, Gdańsk University of Technology was placed on the podium for the second time, taking the 3rd place. Warsaw University remained the leader of the ranking and the second position went to AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow.

– This is the second time that we made it to the podium in the ranking of the best technical universities in the country. On the one hand, we are very glad. On the other hand, it motivates us to work even harder – says Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, the Rector of Gdańsk Tech. – Maintaining such a high position confirms our rank in the country, indicating the highest quality of education and the best professional career opportunities to future candidates.

See the University Ranking of 2022

First place for Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering was voted the best field of study in Poland in the Ranking by Subject, announced together with the University Ranking (in 2020 it was the 3rd place, in 2021 it was the 2nd place).

Architecture took the 2nd place in the ranking, whereas the 3rd place was granted to: Control Engineering and Robotics, Chemistry, Electronics and Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering and Chemical Technology. Within the economic fields of study, management was placed at 4th position.

Ranking by Subject, provides organized information on the most popular fields of study in Polish universities. In 2022, the ranking evaluated 73 fields of study (two more than last year), in 9 ranking areas:  humanities, social sciences, economic, exact science, natural science, engineering, medicine and health care, agriculture, forestry and veterinary, theology (academies of art were not evaluated).

See the Ranking by Subject of 2022