The Gdańsk Tech section of dragon boats invites everyone to trainings | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-06-22

The Gdańsk Tech section of dragon boats invites everyone to trainings

dragon boat
Dragon Boats is a team water sport with its roots in Asian history. The modern sports boats are slightly smaller than the historical ones and can accommodate 22 people, including 20 rowers. The section of dragon boats at Gdańsk Tech invites all willing students to joint training and learning the secrets of group rowing.  

Dragon Boats is a team water sport with its roots in Asian history. The modern sports boats are slightly smaller than the historical ones and can accommodate 22 people, including 20 rowers. The section of dragon boats at Gdańsk Tech invites all willing students to joint training and learning the secrets of group rowing.

Training sessions take place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 PM at the Drakkar pier. As part of these classes, Gdańsk Tech students can complete physical education classes, and medal achievements allow them to apply for a scholarship!

– We accept students of all ages and levels. To join us, you do not need to have special predispositions or experience in this sport - come to the training and we will teach you everything - says Joanna Fryda from Gdańsk Tech Smoki Północy (Dragons of the North) –If you want to learn more about our discipline, check out our fanpage. Our trainings and competitions will take place throughout the holidays, so it's a great way to have an active summer in the city. In winter, we move to the gym.

All those who want to try their hand are welcome to contact us by e-mail at or contact us via our fanpage.