Debate at Gdańsk Tech on the safety of critical maritime infrastructure in the Baltic Sea | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-10-18

Debate at Gdańsk Tech on the safety of critical maritime infrastructure in the Baltic Sea

From the left: Paweł Zariczny, director of the Center for Security and Defense Technology, Comdr. Res. Aleksander Gierkowski (FMEST Gdańsk Tech), prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Gdańsk Tech rector, Monika Kozakiewicz, president of the "Nauta" Repair Shipyard, Cezary Cierzan, director of the "Miecznik" program (Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa / Polish Armaments Group) Paweł Lulewicz, president of PGZ Stocznia Wojenna (PGZ Naval Shipyard) and Marcin Wiśniewski (OBR CTM). Photo: Krzysztof Krzempek / Gdańsk Tech
On Thursday, 13 October 2022, in the Jan Hevelius Courtyard of Gdańsk University of Technology, an expert debate was held on issues related to maintaining the security of critical infrastructure in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea. The debate was preceded by a speech by Marcin Ociepa, deputy minister of the Ministry of National Defense.  

The meeting of representatives of the Polish defense industry - including representatives of the army, industry and the scientific community - began with a speech by Deputy Minister Marcin Ociepa (Ministry of National Defense), entitled "The world anew. Conclusions from the Russian aggression against Ukraine for Polish foreign and defense policy ”. In his speech the minister raised issues related to the current geopolitical situation and possible consequences for Poland, as well as for Europe and the world.

After the minister's speech, the experts started the debate entitled: "Security of critical maritime infrastructure in Polish waters of the Baltic Sea", which was attended by: prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech, Comdr. Res. Aleksander Gierkowski (FMEST Gdańsk Tech), Cezary Cierzan, director of the "Miecznik" program (Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa), Monika Kozakiewicz, president of the "Nauta" Repair Shipyard and Paweł Lulewicz, president of PGZ Stocznia Wojenna and Marcin Wiśniewski (OBR CTM).

The debate was led by Paweł Zariczny, director of the Center for Security and Defense Technologies at Gdańsk University of Technology *, which hosted the event. During the discussion, experts indicated the special role of the scientific community, both in terms of work on ensuring the security of the existing infrastructure, as well as in the aspect of developing innovative and modern military technologies that may be used in the Polish waters of the Baltic Sea in the future.

* CTBO (CSDT) is a university-wide, interdisciplinary research and development center, and its purpose is to coordinate and supervise research, production, service and commercial activities in the field of security and defense technologies as well as the production and marketing of products and technologies, including those for military purposes.