"Speed dating" in a scientific edition. The first Science Speed Dating FarU is over | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-04-22

"Speed dating" in a scientific edition. The first Science Speed Dating FarU is over

Speed dating
Short conversations that help to establish relationships are the basic assumption for meetings in the speed dating formula. Fahrenheit Universities initiated the first event of this type strictly for the academic community. During Science Speed Dating FarU, participants had the opportunity to establish a network of contacts and exchange experiences related to applying for and implementing grant competitions.

The first edition of Science Speed Dating FarU took place from 17 to 19 April. The event took the form of short, thematic meetings, during which a series of three-minute conversations between the participants took place. The goal is to intensify the inter-university and interdisciplinary cooperation of three universities - the University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk University of Technology and the Medical University of Gdańsk, forming the Fahrenheit Universities.

– I do hope that the Science Speed Dating meetings will contribute to establishing contacts in the scientific sphere and will result in joint projects between the three universities. - said during the opening of the event prof. Wiesław Laskowski, vice-rector for research at the University of Gdańsk. – Cooperation between scientists is the added value of the federation, which we strive for.

– As part of the inter-university cooperation aimed at federalization, in addition to formal steps, we also undertake bottom-up initiatives, such as Science Speed Dating, which allow us to support our researchers, academic teachers and employees of the MUG, Gdańsk Tech and UG. – explains prof. Michał Markuszewski, vice-rector for science at the Medical University of Gdańsk. – The list of proposed topics for talks is a long and varied one, so that everyone can find something interesting for themselves. The identified areas included: circular economy, new therapies and drugs, as well as dynamically developing medical and IT technologies.

The April series of meetings covered three days and was divided into thematic blocks. Each day was dedicated to a different area: sustainable development, information technology and materials engineering, and public health.

– The broad subject matter of the meetings enabled the participation of scientists from various fields, and thus the exchange of knowledge and contacts that may pay off in the future - says prof. Sławomir Milewski, vice-rector for science at Gdańsk University of Technology. – Science Speed Dating FarU can therefore contribute to a significant increase in the number of interdisciplinary projects implemented at individual universities.

The program also included speeches by inspiring guests - Sylwia Mrozowska, PhD, DSc, professor at UG, vice-rector for cooperation and development of the University of Gdańsk, Jacek Ryl, PhD, DSc, Eng. from the Institute of Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering of Gdańsk Tech and prof. Tomasz Zdrojewski from the Department of Hypertension and Diabetology, MUG. In turn, representatives of the Design Offices of the three universities provided information related to participation in the upcoming grant competitions.

The next edition of the event is scheduled for 29-31 May, and the substantive scope is to concern, among others: new therapies and drugs, environmental issues, and the energy sector. People interested in participating in the event can register via the application form.