Laureate of the Nobel Prize to speak at the Congress of Polish Physicists | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-09-01

Laureate of the Nobel Prize to speak at the Congress of Polish Physicists

Prof. Anton Zeilinger, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in physics. Photo: Jacqueline Godany / Promotional materials 48th Congress
Prof. Anton Zeilinger, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in physics. Photo: Jacqueline Godany / Promotional materials 48th Congress
A number of scientific sessions, a discussion panel on the condition of teaching physics in Polish schools, presentations and lectures for school youth, as well as good practice bazaar for teachers – these are only some of the events in the rich program of the 48th Congress of Polish Physicists, starting on 1 September in Gdańsk. Participants will be taken on a journey through the wonderful world of quanta by Anton Zeilinger, a winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, who will give an online lecture broadcast live at Gdańsk Tech.

The event, which will take place between 1-7 September, is organized by Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Physical Society, the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics of Gdańsk University of Technology and the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of the University of Gdańsk.

As part of the congress, there will be eight two-hour plenary sessions, nine two-hour parallel sessions, an open lecture, a poster session, a meeting of the delegates, a discussion panel on the “Condition of teaching physics in Polish schools - chances and risks", presentations, good practice bazaar for teachers and lectures and experiments for school youth.

On 2 September,  at 11:30 a.m. in Auditorium Novum at Gdańsk Tech, there will be a live  broadcast of a lecture on "A Voyage through Quantum Wonderland", delivered by Prof. Anton Zeilinger from the University of Vienna, a Nobel Prize winner in physics in 2022.

Detailed program

Plenary sessions, as well as various activities accompanying the congress (including an interactive exhibition on optics or the Logos & Techne exhibition, which will be presented after the congress, on 9-21 September) will take place on the campus of Gdańsk University of Technology, except for the open lecture by Marcin Pawłowski, PhD, associate professor at the University of Gdańsk, on "Quantum cryptography: How to break unbreakable codes?", which will be delivered on 6 September at 6:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk.

Note! Participation in the exhibitions and the open lecture is free, while other events, including the live broadcast of the Nobel Prize winner's lecture, will be available only for registered participants of the congress.

Registration and more information

An important event accompanying the congress is the annual Physicists Cruise on the sailing ship STS Kapitan Borchardt from Lübeck to Gdańsk. On a quay in Gdańsk and on board of the sailing ship, the physicists – participants of the cruise and physicists from Gdańsk University of Technology and the University of Gdańsk – will present and explain, among others, the principles of the physics of sailing. The sailing ship will moor at the quay at ul. Wartka, in front of the footbridge located at the mouth of the Radunia river towards Gdańsk, opposite the Museum of the Second World War (in the former parking lot of the Lotos station). The arrival of STS Kapitan Borchardt is scheduled for 1 September at 12:00 p.m. (the hour may change due to weather conditions). The event will last approximately until 4:00 p.m. Participation is free of charge.

Accompanying events

The Congress of Polish Physicists is the oldest periodic conference, integrating the community of Polish physicists. It was organized for the first time a hundred years ago, in April 1923 in Warsaw. The aim of the congress is to promote physics, emphasizing the current scientific and didactic achievements in this field.

The event, which will take place in Gdańsk, will be attended by nearly 500 participants, including researchers with an established position in this discipline, as well as young physicists, and teachers of this subject and their students.

In order to popularize physics, the organizers of the congress held a number of contests that encouraged representatives of the young generation to have fun with this field of science. The results of the contests will be presented during the congress.


The 48th Congress of Polish Physicists is under the patronage of the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk, the Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk (FarU), Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, Rector of the University of Gdańsk and the Pomeranian Education Authority.