National Education Day – best wishes for the Gdańsk Tech community | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-10-13

National Education Day – best wishes for the Gdańsk Tech community

The tree with books
National Education Day – a day devoted to all employees in the field of education - is celebrated on the anniversary of the establishment of the National Education Commission, the first ministry of education in Europe. This year marks the 250th anniversary of this event.

On this occasion, we would like to express our thanks and appreciation to all academic teachers and employees of Gdańsk University of Technology who support the educational process at our University for their daily effort and we wish you all further teaching and scientific successes and undying enthusiasm in sharing knowledge. We also wish students and doctoral students, because this is a special day for them as well, the curiosity to explore the world, develop their scientific passions, and strengthen academic bonds and traditions. We wish everyone health and success in their personal and family lives, hoping for a better future.

We also send special wishes to secondary school teachers cooperating with Gdańsk University of Technology and their students.

Professor Krzysztof Wilde, PhD, DSc, Eng., rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, corresponding member of the PAS,
Management Board of the Polish Teachers' Union at Gdańsk University of Technology
and the Company Branch of NSZZ Solidarność at Gdańsk University of Technology