St. Nicholas’ Day at Gdańsk Tech. Let's build Christmas Eco-trees together | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-11-17

St. Nicholas’ Day at Gdańsk Tech. Let's build Christmas Eco-trees together

Christmas without a Christmas tree is like a beach without sun. But who said that a Christmas tree has to be a tree cut from a plantation? Therefore, this year at Gdańsk University of Technology, let's create Eco-trees together, alternative Christmas trees in the zero-waste spirit. The most interesting and creative projects will be awarded.

We invite the entire academic community to join this action and build your trees together. All you need is a brilliant idea, a bit of creativity and materials from which to make a tree, which are plentiful around the university. These can be metal pipes, glass test tubes that no one uses anymore, strings, ropes and anything else that comes to mind that is lying around somewhere unused.

Do you already have an idea and in your imagination you can already see your Eco-tree on the square in front of the Main Building? That's the most important thing, now the details:

Get your team together

Each unit may be represented by a maximum of two teams: student/doctoral teams and employee teams. Teams can consist of a maximum of 15 people each.

Submit your project by 30 November

From November 17 to 30, a special form is active in which we ask for the most important information:

- name and surname of the team leader
- unit name
- team size
- list of materials from which the Eco-tree will be built

Based on this list, we will prepare basic tools and materials such as wood, strings, screws and nails, which will be waiting on site. Other unique materials should come from the resources of a given unit - in the spirit of eco and zero waste! Registration is required to take part in the fun.

Note! You will be able to purchase some additional materials if they are necessary to complete the project, in the sum of up to PLN 300 gross. The expense will be covered from the Rector's reserve, based on an internal accounting note issued to the rector's office by the unit from which the team comes.

Submit your project

We are building on St. Nicholas’ Day

Teams that submit their project are invited to the square in front of the Main Building on 6 December. If the weather is not favorable, we will meet in the Hevelius’ Courtyard.

9.00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – time to build

It is worth planning in advance how much time it will take to implement your idea. You can start as early as 9.00, you can come later. It is important that all projects are ready by 1:00 p.m.. Please remember that the height of Christmas tree structures should not exceed 1.5 m. Your Christmas trees can be partially constructed earlier and finished on 6 December. However, please do not bring finished projects. Building together to the sound of Christmas songs, under the supervision of Santa Claus and with a gingerbread snack is one of the most important elements of this fun.

On this day, there will be a ceremonial meeting of the Gdańsk Tech Senate, which will start at 11.15. Therefore, builders have as many as 4 hours at their disposal to participate in both of these events.

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Eco-trees presentation and selection of the most interesting projects. Rector's hours apply on this date.


The following distinctions will be awarded: the College of Rectors' Award and the Audience Award. The winning teams will receive a voucher for the restaurant at the Eureka Training and Rehabilitation Center of Gdańsk University of Technology to organize a Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve meeting.

Christmas trees will beautify the square in front of the Main Building or the interior of the building. The full agenda for celebrating St. Nicholas’ Day together will be available soon. But already today we can announce that there will be various attractions and a festive atmosphere.


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