Eco-trees Forest in front of the Main Building. Let's celebrate St. Nicholas’ Day together | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-12-01

Eco-trees Forest in front of the Main Building. Let's celebrate St. Nicholas’ Day together

Santa Claus
Eco-trees Forest in front of the Main Building. Let's celebrate St. Nicholas’ Day at Gdańsk Tech together

As many as 215 people from 26 teams will create unique Eco-trees on 6 December, from which we will choose the most beautiful and original ones in a vote. There will be gingerbread cookies, warming drinks and competitions with prizes for those willing to celebrate St. Nicholas’ Day together.

Christmas hits will be played on the square in front of the Main Building from 12:30 p.m. Our special Santa Claus - DJ will select the most beautiful and cheerful songs from around the world and invite you to a concert of wishes. Everyone will be able to dedicate a selected song to their favorite friends.

During the singing of carols, we invite you for winter drinks: tea and non-alcoholic mulled wine, as well as delicious gingerbread. There will also be a Christmas wheel of fortune, where you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of Christmas customs from around the world. There will also be a St. Nicholas’ competition with prizes.

In turn, the Student Government invites you to decorate baubles together and join the Santa Claus chill zone in the hall of the Main Building, where you will be able to grab a sweet snack.

From 12.30 all Eco-trees, built in the Hevelius Courtyard since the morning, will be moved in front of the Main Building, where voting will start at about 1:15 p.m. In the Audience Award category, everyone will be able to vote once for the selected Christmas tree installation, and at 2 p.m. the two winning teams in the Rector's College Award and Audience Award categories will be announced. Symbolically, lamps will also be lit by prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Gdańsk Tech rector. Rector's hours apply between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.

On that day at There will also be a ceremonial meeting of the Senate from 11.15 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 

We are also celebrating St. Nicholas’ Day in the Gdańsk Tech gadget store, where from Monday (December 4) buyers will be able to enjoy an attractive price offer for special sets: "To play during the holidays", "To sleigh", "Little engineer" and "Time for tea". .

Let's be together this day! Festive costumes and hats are very welcome.