Professor Jacek Namieśnik as the patron of the Chemical Auditorium | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-04-17

Professor Jacek Namieśnik as the patron of the Chemical Auditorium

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A commemorative plaque was uncovered by Professor Krzysztof Wilde, Gdańsk Tech rector and Professor Agata Kot-Wasik, dean of the Faculty of Chemistry
On the fifth anniversary of the death of Professor Jacek Namieśnik, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology and an outstanding researcher with scientific recognition, a ceremony took place to name the Chemical Auditorium after him. In this way, the Faculty of Chemistry thanked the late Professor for over half a century of his presence at the faculty and the university and his achievements for Gdańsk Tech.

Among other eminent guests at the ceremony were also present: the family of Professor Jacek Namieśnik, representatives of former and current university authorities and Gdańsk Tech faculties, representatives of the Fahrenheit Union of Universities, former colleagues of professor Namieśnik from Poland and abroad, as well as the faculty and university community.

Professor Jacek Namieśnik became the patron of the Chemistry Auditorium (in the northern wing of the Chemistry A building, building no. 6 on the campus map), whose design from 120 years ago and the appropriate technical condition have been maintained thanks to his commitment.

– Professor Jacek Namieśnik was successful in many fields: from completing his studies at Gdańsk University of Technology to becoming the rector of our university. In this difficult role, as I can personally confirm, he performed outstandingly, at the same time taking milestones in building the recognition and prestige of Gdańsk University of Technology - said Professor Krzysztof Wilde, the present rector of Gdańsk Tech. – […] He himself made contributions in this field. It is mainly thanks to the impressive number of citations, scientific achievements, cooperation and multi-threaded activities that we, as Gdańsk University of Technology, were able to enter the very prestigious Shanghai Ranking, in which only nine Polish universities are currently ranked - added the rector.

Professor Agata Kot-Wasik, dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, in her laudation also mentioned numerous scientific, publication and organizational achievements of Professor Namieśnik, but she talked about his customs and passions as well.

– Outstanding, demanding, unique... That's what Professor Jacek Namieśnik was like. He was a visionary, and he committed himself to what he did with all his heart [...] He was a personality with a list of achievements that could fill several scientific biographies - said Professor Agata Kot-Wasik. – […] Professor, thank you for the lesson in diligence, courage and responsibility, for creating a community in which representatives of various fields of science and specialties respect each other, and everyone can find a worthy place for themselves, feel needed, and work with pleasure.

Later in the ceremony, three lectures were delivered under the common title "Analytics - quo vadis?": "Pharma(e)cological analytics" by Professor Piotr Stepnowski, rector of the University of Gdańsk; "Metabolomics in bioanalytics: current status and future trends" by Professor Michał Markuszewski, vice-rector for science of the Medical University of Gdańsk, and "Less and less, or where is the limit of trace analysis?" by Professor Piotr Konieczka, head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of Gdańsk University of Technology.

At the end of the ceremony some of the guests gave their speeches, and the dean read some of the letters sent from people who were unable to attend the event.

The artistic setting of the event was provided by the Academic Choir of Gdańsk University of Technology, directed by Professor Mariusz Mróz.

Moreover, the guests received an album, published by the Faculty of Chemistry, dedicated to the life and work of Professor Jacek Namieśnik.

Professor Jacek Namieśnik was rector (in 2016-2019), dean of the Faculty of Chemistry for four terms, previously its deputy dean for two terms, head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry since 1995, member of the Gdańsk Tech Senate for seven terms.

As an outstanding specialist in the field of analytical and environmental chemistry, he was the originator of new instrumentation and methodological solutions for the preparation of samples for analysis, the creator of methods for determining air pollution indicators, the co-creator of new methods of producing standard gas mixtures and matrix-free reference materials, as well as techniques for examining indoor air quality.

He was a member of numerous scientific societies and organizations, and the winner of many prestigious awards, including the Jan Hevelius’ Science Award of the City of Gdańsk., twice the Prime Minister's Award and two honorary doctorates: from the Military University of Technology in Warsaw and the Medical University of Gdańsk. The citation index of almost 900 works published in scientific publications, of which he was the author and co-author, is 35,000.

Professor Jacek Namieśnik died suddenly on 14 April 2019.