• 2023-02-06

    Polish Nuclear Power Plants and FarU will educate staff for the nuclear power engineering sector

    The Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk University of Technology and the University of Gdańsk signed a cooperation agreement with Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe (PEJ) company (Polish Nuclear Power Plants). The main objective of the agreement signed on February 2 is the development of human resources potential for the nuclear industry as part of the project to build the first nuclear power...

  • 2023-02-02

    Training staff for the nuclear power industry – signing a letter of intent

    Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Rector of Gdańsk Tech, together with the rectors of five technical universities, signed a letter of intent regarding the training of personnel for the nuclear power industry. The agreement was signed at the Ministry of Education and Science. Cooperation of science and business for the development of nuclear energy in Poland During the press conference, the Minister...

  • 2023-02-01

    Magnetic paint that protects against pathogens and cleans itself

    The paint fights bacteria, removes stains and cleans the air from harmful compounds, and on top of that it replaces the magnetic board – such hybrid paint is new to the market. It is complemented by a biocidal and self-cleaning finish coat. In tandem, they will provide protection against the growth of pathogens inside a building. The invention can prove to be effective i.a. in hospitals,...

  • 2023-01-31

    H2Tech LAB – Laboratory of Hydrogen Technologies – interfaculty laboratory at Gdańsk Tech

    H2Tech LAB „Laboratory of Hydrogen Technologies” will be created as a result of cooperation between the researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, and Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics. The laboratory will be the effect of integrating the existing R&D infrastructure, i.e....

  • 2023-01-24

    Chinese New Year wishes

    On behalf of Gdańsk University of Technology, prof. Janusz Nieznański, Vice-rector for internationalization and innovation and Ph.D., D. Sc. Christian Jungnickel, Gdańsk Tech professor, Rector's Representative for Cooperation with Asian Higher Education Institutions wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year. A team of the International Relations Office joins these wishes. 兔年 快乐!  

  • 2023-01-23

    "Exam Session Emergency Tips" - on the run-up to exams

    The exam session at Gdańsk University of Technology begins on 28 January. There is not much time left before the exams, but every student knows that the last days before taking the exam are crucial. How to plan your studies, how to help yourself and concentrate better, how to learn more effectively and find time to rest? Prof. Joanna Mytnik, director of the Center for Innovative Education,...

  • 2023-01-16

    300 projects worth PLN 45 million. The results of IDUB program in 2022.

    „Excellence Initiative – Research University” program (Polish acronym IDUB) has been implemented for over two years now at Gdańsk University of Technology. Using the additional subsidy granted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MEiN) allows to support different recipients: researchers, students, doctoral students, teaching and administrative staff of the University, as part...

  • 2023-01-12

    The leaders of the Perspektywy ranking in Pomerania 2023

    This year's podium of the Pomeranian Ranking of High Schools and Technical Schools 2023 invariably belongs to the 3rd Secondary School in Gdynia. The first among technical schools was the M. Płażyński’s Technical School of Information Technology. in Puck. The position in the ranking depends on several factors, primarily the result of the secondary school-leaving exams and the successes of...