• 2023-03-28

    First Science Speed Dating in Poland

    Science Speed Dating FarU is the first such event organized by the academic community in Poland. The purpose of the meetings is to intensify inter-university and interdisciplinary research topics from three Universities - the University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk University of Technology and the Medical University of Gdańsk.   The event will take the form of short, thematic meetings, during...

  • 2023-03-24

    Cycling to university? But of course!

    On 3 April the second edition of the "Cycling to university" campaign is launched. We invite all employees, students and doctoral students of Gdańsk Tech to join this action and change their transport habits. The campaign is aimed at both active cyclists and those who think that commuting to work by bike, scooter or personal transport device (PTD) is not for them. Remember that you can get to...

  • 2023-03-16

    Mindfulness classes – sign up

    Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office invites students and employees to sign up for mindfulness classes organized as part of the "Hey, are you OK?" project. Applications are accepted until March 31. The number of places is limited - don't miss it! How to sign up? Registration for mindfulness classes for the English-speaking group will last from 13 to 31 March. To sign up for classes,...

  • 2023-03-10

    Partnership Agreement with Taipei Tech

    On 2 March, Gdańsk University of Technology had the honor to host a delegation from the National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech) – one of the leading technical universities of world renown. The representatives of the Taiwanese university were its President - Prof Sea-Fue Wang, Vice President – Distinguished Prof Thomas Chung-Kuang Yang, Dean of the Research and Development...

  • 2023-03-07

    Research for everyone. New subject in all Gdańsk Tech fields of study

    Studying at a technical university is a pass to a profitable career that often comes to your doorstep without you even trying to look for it. Offers from employers flow to students even before obtaining a diploma. It is mainly for this reason that many of young people give up thinking about a scientific career, which is an extremely interesting alternative to traditional work, and its effects...

  • 2023-03-01

    How to deal with stress? Sign up for classes

    International Relations Office invites students of Gdańsk University of Technology to participate in seminars on coping with stressful situations organized as part of the "Hey, are you OK?" project. Registration for meetings lasts until March 27th. The number of places is limited. In mid-September 2022, the "Hey, are you OK?" project was launched at Gdańsk University of Technology. The main...

  • 2023-02-24

    War in Ukraine. A year since Russian's invasion

    One year has passed today from the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. We express our support and solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine. We have no doubts that your bravery, steadfastness and determination will bring Ukraine peace and freedom!                                                            Gdańsk Tech academic...

  • 2023-02-24

    Summary of a study visit in Amsterdam

    How does the Dutch government support universities in promoting the emotional health of students? What wellbeing initiatives are undertaken by students themselves? These and many other questions were asked by the International Relations Office during the study visit in Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam on 7-9 February. In mid-September 2022, the International Relations Office at Gdańsk...