• 2021-07-06

    Over PLN 1.3 million for international educational projects

    The Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics and the Faculty of Management and Economics received funding for the implementation of international teaching projects. Thanks to this, Gdańsk University of Technology will host foreign students and doctoral students at several international summer schools in the next two years. ScienceApp Screencap is an educational project concerning...

  • 2021-06-30

    This is what Building B of Gdańsk University of Technology may look like in the future.

    Teams of students from the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Gdańsk Tech have prepared concepts for the revitalization of Building B of  Gdańsk University of Technology and its surroundings. The level of the prepared projects was very high, hence the jury decided to award two main prizes. Building B, constructed in 1969, is located in the...

  • 2021-06-29

    Gdańsk Tech opens a new field of study together with the Gdynia Maritime University

    On Friday, 25 June Gdańsk University of Technology and the Gdynia Maritime University concluded an agreement on the creation of an inter-university second-cycle study program: Offshore Wind Energy. Gdańsk University of Technology, as a leading scientific and research center in the field of ocean engineering in Poland, meets market trends and focuses on even better and more effective...

  • 2021-06-25

    Report on the activities of Gdańsk University of Technology for 2020

    Creation of the Daniel Fahrenheit University Association, formation of a new Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, a new strategy for the development of the university, the establishment of the Economic Convention at Gdańsk Tech, as well as educational challenges resulting from the epidemic situation - these were the most important initiatives and events at Gdańsk University...

  • 2021-06-23

    Didactic Fridays - summary of the training cycle for academic teachers

    Eight months of meetings, 275 participants, 34 topics, 58 hours of methodological training, 32 hours of workshops and 12 hours of training on the use of the e-learning platform - on Friday, 18 June, in the Hydromechanics building, the final of the first edition of the training program for Gdańsk University of Technology teachers "Didactic Fridays" took place, conducted by the Center for Modern...

  • 2021-06-23

    Perspektywy 2021 ranking. Gdańsk Tech on the podium of the best technical universities in the country

    In this year's ranking of universities prepared by the Educational Foundation "Perspektywy", Gdańsk University of Technology took 3rd place among technical universities and 6th in the classification of all universities in the country. Gdańsk Tech is on the podium of the best technical universities in Poland for the first time in history. The "Perspektywy University Ranking" has been...

  • 2021-06-22

    Prestigious FPS scholarships for researchers from Gdańsk Tech

    Beata Zima, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Paulina Parcheta-Szwindowska, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Chemistry and PhD student, MSc. Karolina Górnicka from the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics are among the prestigious winners of the START scholarship program of the Foundation for the Development of Polish Science. Beata Zima, PhD, Eng. is an...

  • 2021-06-22

    Representatives of Pomeranian universities are members of the ministerial Council

    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development, Labor and Technology Jarosław Gowin appointed the Council for the Plan for Labour and Economic Development - one of the key projects in the current activities of the ministry. The Council was composed of representatives of Pomeranian universities, including the Fahrenheit University Association in Gdańsk.   The task of the Council will...