• 2021-06-02

    The innovative Gdańsk Tech STOS IT complex closer to implementation

    The state-of-the-art STOS Competence Center is being built on the campus of Gdańsk University of Technology. Work on this unique on a national scale and intelligent facility is in full swing. Currently, the builders are working in the installations inside the building that will have a huge impact on the functioning of the "heart" of the facility, i.e. the server room. Construction works,...

  • 2021-06-02

    Call for proposals in the Scandium Baltic Region Research Grants program

    The Scandium program is part of the implementation of tasks under which it is possible to obtain a university grant to finance the costs of scientific research conducted in cooperation with partners from the Baltic Sea region of young scientists in areas compatible with the activities of Gdańsk Tech priority research area centers (PRA Centers). Addressees of the Scandium Program The...

  • 2021-05-27

    Projects of Gdańsk Tech researchers obtain funding from the National Science Center

    Six scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology received funding for the implementation of research projects under the OPUS and PRELUDIUM BIS competitions of the National Science Center. The funds granted to Gdańsk Tech amount to over PLN 7.24 million.   Below we present the projects carried out by researchers from Gdańsk University of Technology, which received...

  • 2021-05-26

    Come and stay in the Gdańsk Tech dormitory during the holidays!

    The same as every year, the dormitories of Gdańsk University of Technology will also be available to students during the holiday season. There are just over 1,000 places available under "Summer 2021 Action". It is possible to apply for a place from Monday 24 May.   "Summer Action" has been held at Gdańsk University of Technology periodically for several years, enabling Gdańsk Tech...

  • 2021-05-26

    Two New Research Centers Created at Gdańsk Tech

    Gdańsk University of Technology, in cooperation with the socio-economic environment, established two university-wide, interdisciplinary research centers: the Offshore Wind Energy Center and the Hydrogen Technologies Center. The task of both centers is to coordinate research, design and expert works for the construction of offshore wind farms and modern hydrogen technologies in the energy...

  • 2021-05-26

    Hydrogen Technologies Center

    It is the first unit of this type in Poland to offer research services related to hydrogen. It concentrates on competences in the field of processing, storing and combustion of hydrogen as well as processing energy obtained in fuel cells.   The Center is a unit dedicated to cooperation with the industry, including the practical application of scientific achievements, and deals with...

  • 2021-05-26

    Offshore Wind Energy Center

    The Center brings together outstanding specialists from all areas of knowledge related to offshore wind energy and has a highly specialized laboratory base that enables detailed identification of many technical and organizational problems in the construction and operation of offshore wind farms. The team of scientists gathered in the center also has experience and didactic achievements in...

  • 2021-05-25

    New solutions in construction diagnostics

    How to diagnose in a non-invasive, quick and cheap way engineering structures that undergo degradation due to external conditions or failures resulting from random events? PhD, Eng. Beata Zima from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering has developed algorithms that allow for effective identification of damage in objects made of various materials. These methods can be used not only...