• 2021-02-26

    Awards for The best student projects related to artificial intelligence

    The mobile application for imaging and classification of skin lesions turned out to be the best group project implemented during the second-cycle studies at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdańsk University of Technology. Other student projects in the field of artificial intelligence were also awarded. Presentation of the projects and the awarding of awards...

  • 2021-02-23

    Polish Hercules Award for Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of GUT

    Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, was awarded in the Builder Awards 2020 competition - Polish Hercules. The award of the editors of the ‘Builder’ monthly is awarded to people who have had an impact on the development of Polish construction. In the 17th edition of the Builder Award 2020, prof. Krzysztof Wilde received the Polish Hercules award in recognition...

  • 2021-02-23

    Almost PLN 1 million for mentors and for the development of student research clubs

    In the first recruitment to the two programs Plutonium and Technetium, implemented as part of the tasks of the EIRU program, almost one million zlotys will be allocated to supporting the activity of mentors caring for particularly gifted students and co-financing research conducted by scientific student associations. The Technetium program supports the activity of mentors - academic teachers -...

  • 2021-02-19

    The ceremony of signing the foundation act for the construction of the STOS GUT IT center

    On Thursday, 18 February 2021, at the campus of Gdańsk University of Technology, the ceremony of signing and laying the foundation act for the construction of the STOS GUT Competence Center took place. Works on the construction of a state-of-the-art IT center are progressing according to schedule, and the investment is to be ready by the middle of next year. The signing and laying of the...

  • 2021-02-17

    The youngest professor in the Institute of Applied Mathematics

    The President of Poland, by decision of January 4, 2021, awarded the academic title of professor to Joanna Janczewska, Ph.D. D.Sc. Eng. from Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics  Professor Joanna Janczewska A graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Gdańsk (1999), currently director of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and head of the Subsection of...

  • 2021-02-17

    Mathematics for Neurobiology - interdisciplinary research

    A modern approach to modelling complex real phenomena often requires the use of tools from various fields of mathematics. It also happens that application-oriented problems lead to interesting mathematical questions.  Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska, Ph.D. Eng. from the Division of Differential Equations and Applications of Mathematics conducts research in mathematical neurobiology. The...

  • 2021-02-17

    First place at the national stage of the International Statistical Literacy Project

    Students from Gdańsk University of Technology won first place at the national stage of the International Statistical Literacy Project and will represent Poland at the international stage. The awarded team consisting of: PhD, Eng. Karol Flisikowski (tutor) and students Norbert Nieżorawski (FM&E), Marta Sobolewska (FCh) and Maciej Winnik (FM&E), won the main prize, beating, among others the...

  • 2021-02-16

    Students' diploma theses awarded by the Polish Economic Society

    Two students from the GUT Faculty of Management and Economics won awards in the 17th edition of the Witold Andruszkiewicz’s Bachelor's Theses Competition and the 24th edition of the Lucjan Hofman’s Competition for Master's Theses for 2020, which is run by the Polish Economic Society. The award for the best Master's thesis was won by Marta Bogdziewicz for her work entitled ‘Analysis of...