• 2023-12-04

    Secretary at the Embassy of the State of Qatar visits Gdańsk Tech

    On 28 November, Rector Krzysztof Wilde met with the Second Secretary of the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Warsaw, Abdulla Almeraikhim at Gdańsk University of Technology. The meeting was also attended by Prof. Janusz Nieznański, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Innovation, and Aleksandra Harasiuk, CEO of the Dubai-Pomeranian Social and Cultural Association. During the meeting,...

  • 2023-12-01

    Award for the position of Gdańsk University of Technology in the international ranking THE WUR

    Prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, Vice-Rector for Organization and Development, receives the award for Gdańsk Tech’s result in the ranking. Photo: PCG Academy materials   During the gala accompanying the LUMEN 2023 conference, prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, Vice-Rector for Organization and Development, received the award for Gdańsk University of Technology's result in the international THE WUR...

  • 2023-12-01

    Eco-trees Forest in front of the Main Building. Let's celebrate St. Nicholas’ Day together

    Eco-trees Forest in front of the Main Building. Let's celebrate St. Nicholas’ Day at Gdańsk Tech together As many as 215 people from 26 teams will create unique Eco-trees on 6 December, from which we will choose the most beautiful and original ones in a vote. There will be gingerbread cookies, warming drinks and competitions with prizes for those willing to celebrate St. Nicholas’ Day...

  • 2023-11-30

    The best of the best in the region. Gdańsk Tech with the Pomeranian Eagle award

    The gala of the Pomeranian business plebiscite "Orzeł Pomorski" is over. This year's winners included Gdańsk University of Technology, which received an award for consistent implementation of its development strategy as a modern, European technical university and the initiator of ventures and projects appreciated both in Poland and around the world. The statuette was received by the...

  • 2023-11-24

    Prof. Grzegorz Boczkaj among the most frequently cited scientists in the world

    Grzegorz Boczkaj PhD, associate professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering was listed in this year's ranking of the most frequently cited scientists in the world - Highly Cited Researchers Top 1% (Clarivate). He is one of only six scientists representing Polish scientific institutions who were included in this list of world-leading researchers. The list of Highly Cited...

  • 2023-11-22

    Black Friday at theGdańsk Tech gadget store

    On Friday,24 November, we invite you to visit the Gdańsk Tech stationary store. Only on this day will you be able to buy selected products with a 20% discount! This year's pre-Christmas offer includes: unique gingerbread cookies in two designs, packed in boxes, book calendars, ecological, warming teas in five flavors and softshell jackets that are resistant to wind and rain. And a whole lot...

  • 2023-11-22

    Gdańsk Tech results in EngiRank - european ranking of engineering programs

    EngiRank covered 178 technical universities and engineering programmes from 27 European Union countries, including 18 universities from Poland. Gdańsk University of Technology was ranked 64th in Europe in the institutional ranking and second in Poland after AGH University. Gdańsk Tech received the highest marks in the indicators: research, internationalisation and interdisciplinarity. Our...

  • 2023-11-21

    Take part in Erasmus Days!

    We invite all employees, doctoral students, and students to participate in this year's edition of Erasmus Days, which will take place from November 27th to December 2nd. The program of the event includes information meetings, a culinary competition, and... unconventional St. Andrew's Day celebrations. As every year, the International Relations Office, together with the Erasmus+ program faculty...