• 2023-11-17

    St. Nicholas’ Day at Gdańsk Tech. Let's build Christmas Eco-trees together

    Christmas without a Christmas tree is like a beach without sun. But who said that a Christmas tree has to be a tree cut from a plantation? Therefore, this year at Gdańsk University of Technology, let's create Eco-trees together, alternative Christmas trees in the zero-waste spirit. The most interesting and creative projects will be awarded. We invite the entire academic community to join this...

  • 2023-11-08

    Gdańsk Tech most frequently chosen by high school graduates in the ME&S ranking

    Over 3 thousand more applications in this year's recruitment for studies at Gdańsk University of Technology and a return to first place among the most frequently chosen public universities in Poland. We know the results of the ranking of the Ministry of Education and Science. According to ME&S, almost 442,000 young people were admitted to first- and second-cycle studies in the 2023/24...

  • 2023-11-08

    Underwater acoustic communication in the research work of a graduate of the Doctoral School

    Artur Gańcza from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics is a graduate of the Doctoral School. His scientific activity focuses on the identification of systems, with particular emphasis on models in underwater communication.   His doctoral thesis "Local basis function method in the identification of non-stationary processes" was written under the supervision of...

  • 2023-11-08

    ENHANCE summarizes the outcomes of the Summit held at Gdańsk Tech

    From the 4th to the 6th of October, Gdańsk Tech was the host of the “ENHANCE Summit on Climate-Neutral Cities”. More than 120 teaching and administrative staff and students from 10 European universities of technology, as well as urban stakeholders and experts came to Gdańsk Tech and took part in diverse activities, from panels and discussions on the topic of climate-neutral cities to...

  • 2023-11-02

    Researchers develop innovative method for preservation of human milk

    Breast milk from Milk Banks supports infant development and recovery in neonatal care units. New method of storing and preserving milk, proposed by researchers from Gdańsk University of Technology, will allow to preserve a larger amount of extremely valuable bioactive ingredients that cannot be replaced by any artificial farmula. Breast milk is perfectly suited to the needs of infants. When...

  • 2023-10-31

    Gdansk Tech joined IAHR as an Institute Member

    The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), founded in 1935, is a worldwide independent organisation of engineers and water specialists working in fields related to the hydro-environmental sciences and their practical application. Activities range from river and maritime hydraulics to water resources development and eco-hydraulics, through to ice...

  • 2023-10-30

    Gdańsk University of Technology classified in 5 fields

    In this year's World University Rankings 2024 by subject - Gdańsk University of Technology took 1st place among Polish universities in the areas of "Engineering" and "Physical Sciences" in terms of research quality and 3rd place in the area of "Business and Economics". In total, Gdańsk University of Technology was classified in five fields. In addition to "Physical Sciences", "Engineering",...

  • 2023-10-26

    Gdańsk Tech scientists ranked among the World’s TOP 2% most influential people in science

    62 scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology were featured in the World’s TOP 2% Scientists 2022 ranking, which includes most cited scientists worldwide. The ranking was compiled by Stanford University in cooperation with Elsevier. The World’s TOP 2% Scientists is developed based on the sicentific output of researchers and adopts evaluation criteria such as the number of citations,...