• 2022-09-05

    Workshop: Molywood to Molecular Nodes

    4-day workshop on in-house visualization software Molywood (is there to make cool molecular movies for the participant) automatizes the most tedious steps in generation of scientific (research) movies, i.e. scripting in TCL, rendering, generating overlays and combining frames, as well as merging frames into the final movie. On other hand MMN-2022 workshop collaborated with SciDart academy, which...

  • 2022-08-12

    Nearly PLN 3 million awarded in the first edition of the VENTUS-HYDROGENII-REDIVIVUS program

    The funds awarded under the competition will support implementation-oriented research conducted at the University in the area of technologies of key importance to the economy, in particular wind energy, hydrogen technologies and closed-loop economy. In the completed call, the following projects received funding: 1. project title: Horizontal axis wind power plant with the low-speed...

  • 2022-06-21

    Call for proposals for the Ventus Hydrogenii Redivivus program in the area of hydrogen technologies has been prolonged

    We would like to announce that in accordance with the decision of the VHR Program Coordinator, the call for proposals for the area of hydrogen technologies is postponed until 30 September 2022.  Ventus Hydrogenii Redivivus Program, is an element of supporting the implementation of the tasks of IDUB Program in the field of research and implementation activities. The aim of the Program is to...

  • 2022-05-27

    Announcement of the first call for the Ventus Hydrogenii Redivivus program (01.06-30.06.2022)

    The Ventus Hydrogenii Redivivus (VHR) Program is part of the support for the implementation of the tasks of the IDUB Program in the area of research and implementation activities, under Measure V.5. Organization of Technology Transfer. The objective of the Program is to support implementation research conducted at the University in the area of technologies of key importance to the economy, in...

  • 2022-04-28

    In the second edition of the PLUTONIUM program competition over 1,800,000 PLN was awarded

    Funds awarded in the competition will enable the support of student scientific circles, which are the natural environment for selecting leaders of research groups, organizational leaders and leaders initiating new research areas. In the completed call, 14 high-potential proposals were submitted, of which as many as 11 received funding: Within the BioTechMed Center 1. Preliminary...

  • 2022-04-26

    Absence on May 2, 2022

    We would like to inform that the IDUB Project Implementation Team office will be closed on May 2, 2022.

  • 2022-04-15

    Happy Easter

    On the occasion of the upcoming Easter, we would like to wish you a family Easter breakfast, a peaceful atmosphere, wet Dyngus, health and happiness throughout the year.

  • 2022-04-15

    Call for proposals for the 1st edition of the Cuprum Supporting Research Team Building in Emerging Areas program has been extended to 31.05.22

    The aim of the Program is to increase and enrich the scientific potential of PG by establishing new research teams led by PG scientists conducting research in the discipline of architecture and urban planning or in the field of social sciences, with the participation of foreign scientists. Within the Program it is possible to obtain a university grant for financing the costs of formation and...