Decisions on scholarships in the winter semester 2023/2024 | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-12-06

Decisions on scholarships in the winter semester 2023/2024

Bunch of banknotes in the pocket.
Today, the scholarship results were published on the MojaPG portal, containing information on whether the scholarship was awarded, in what amount and for what period. This should be treated as information, not a decision!

In order for the scholarship to be paid, the student must collect a paper or electronic decision (depending on the chosen method of submitting the application).
- electronic decisions will be systematically sent from Thursday – December 7 to ePUAP mailboxes from which applications were sent to the Committee
- paper decisions can be collected in person at the office of the Scholarship Committee on Thursday – December 7 and Friday – December 8 (9:00-15:00).

Check information on decision

Efficient collection of the decision guarantees faster payment of the scholarship (in particular, the rector's scholarship - in this case, the payment is made only after the decision becomes legally binding). We also remind you about the possibility of waiving the right to appeal (Appendix no. 10 to the Benefit Rules). Students applying electronically may also waive their right to appeal. The completed attachment should be signed with a qualified electronic signature or a trusted profile, and then the letter should be sent to the Gdańsk University of Technology with the signed attachment via ePUAP (the letter should include the note: To the Scholarship Committee). The declaration template can be downloaded from the Documents tab.

Sign the document with a trusted profile

Before you submit an appeal

Please read the information in the dedicated tab.