
  • 2022-08-22

    Justyna Szostak co-chair of Task Force Learning&Teaching group of CESAER

    Justyna Szostak, PhD Eng, from the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, chair of the Internationalization Committee and plenipotentiary of the dean for internationalization at the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, was elected the co-chair of the work group named „Task Force Learning&Teachning” of CESAER – an organization uniting leading technology schools in Europe. ...

  • 2022-06-19

    Diploma of the Year award of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering for 2021

    On May 31, 2022, the authors of the best master's theses at the Gdańsk University of Technology were awarded a special "Diploma of the Year" statuette, presented by prof. Krzysztof Wilde, the rector. At a ceremonial session of the Senate of the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, prof. Krzysztof Wilde presented the "Diploma of the Year" award for...

  • 2022-03-02

    A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the GUT is the winner of the 1st prize

    In October 2021, the results of the 5th Baku International Architecture Award, organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan (AMI) with the support of the International Union of Architects (UIA) were announced.The competition takes place every 2 years, and this year, 193 applications from 38 countries all over the world were...

  • 2021-10-27

    Research internship in Brazil

    Doctor Natalia Łukasik from the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials received a scholarship for the implementation of the project entitled: "Nanostructured catalysts for hydrogen production from small organic molecules" under the CAPES PRINT program announced by the Ministry of Education in Brazil. The six-month research internship has been carried out since September...

  • 2021-10-25

    Anna Szafrańska, Ph.D., Eng. is the laureate of the 5th edition of the MINIATURA competition

    Anna Szafrańska, Ph.D., Eng. from the Division of Differential Equations and Applications of Mathematics received a grant from the MINIATURE 5 competition (National Science Centre) for the implementation of the basic research entitled : "Construction of high-performance mathematical models based on fractional calculus using new machine learning techniques as a tool for parameter...

  • 2021-07-16

    Beata Zima, PhD, Eng. and Tomasz Majchrzak, PhD, Eng. with the award of the Gdańsk Scientific Society

    Beata Zima, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Tomasz Majchrzak, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Chemistry received scientific awards of the Gdańsk Scientific Society and the Mayor of Gdańsk for outstanding scientific achievements. Every year, the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk and the Gdańsk Scientific Society award five equal awards to young scientists, up...

  • 2021-06-08

    Honorable Mention of the PAS for young scientists for the best creative work published in 2020

    We are pleased to announce that Joanna Pilch, MSc.,Eng. carrying out her doctoral thesis at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry (supervisor Dr. Ewa Augustin), received an Honorable Mention in the field of biological and agricultural sciences in this year's competition of the Polish Academy of Sciences for young scientists for the best creative work published in...

  • 2021-04-07

    Recognition of the diploma thesis of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering graduates in the PTE competition

    XXIV edition of the Lucjan Hofman Competition for Master's Theses and the XVII edition of the Witold Andruszkiewicz Bachelor's Theses Competition for 2020, organized by the Polish Economic Society (PTE) Gdańsk branch has been resolved. In the category of master's theses, the thesis of M.Sc. Eng. Bartosz Maciąg and M.Sc. Eng. Krzysztof Milewski, Algorithms supporting operator decisions...