Gdańsk Tech declaration of support for the Charter and the Code

Gdańsk University of Technology, represented by Professor Jacek Namieśnik, Rector, expressed the support for the Recommendation of the European Commission 2005251EC. The University pointed out the convergence of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, with the Strategy of the University.

Signing the statement of support and sending it to the European Commission was the first step of Gdansk University of Technology to apply for the acquisition of rights to use the European Logo HR Excellence in Research.

Under the decree of the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology No. 26/2016 of 23 September 2016 the formal process of implementing the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at Gdańsk University of Technology began.

In order to develop an action plan in the field of human resources management for researchers, hereinafter referred as the Strategy HR4R, the Team for Implementation of the Charter and the Code at Gdańsk Tech was appointed (Circular Letter No. 21/2016 of 23 September 2016) and on 11 May 2017 the scientifically active representatives of all faculties were appointed also to this Team and a new personal composition of the University Team established (Circular Letter No. 9/2017 of 11 May 2017).

Survey concerning working conditions of scientists at Gdańsk University of Technology

The first step of the implementation of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers was to conduct an anonymous survey among all scientists of our University, ie. researchers, academics and PhD students. The survey analyzed the opinion of scientists about the compatibility of the rules and actions of University with principles of the Charter and the Code. The process of questionnaires lasted from 28 September to 6 October 2016. The responses were guidelines to develop an action plan in the field of human resources management for researchers of University, called the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) of Gdańsk University of Technology.

Analysis of national and internal regulations (the internal gap analysis)

At the same time, we carried out an analysis of national and internal regulations, procedures and practices at the University in the implementation of the Charter and Code. To carry out the analysis, the standard table of internal analysis, shared by the European Commission  was used. The analysis of Gdańsk Tech documentation and activities led to the identification of aspects that need to be improved. 

Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy 2016

On 19 October 2016 the Senate of the University issued a positive opinion on the Action Plan to implement the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at Gdańsk University of Technology, referred as the Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy (Gdańsk Tech Senate Resolution No. 10/2016/XXIV).

Then the Rector of the University decreed introducing the Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy in the Regulation No. 34/2016 of 14 November 2016.

Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy 2017, cosolidated text

In response to the European Commission Decision No. Ares (2017) 957623 - HRS4R assessment PL-UGDANSK on granting the right to use the HR Excellence in Research Logo, the Senate of Gdańsk Tech on 17 May 2017 issued the Resolution No. 76/2017/XXIV on supplementing the Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy, published in the Senate Resolution No. 10/2016/XXIV of 19 October 2016.

Finally, the Rector intorduced the consolidated text of the Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy, which included the supplement and the correction of  the Action Plan to implement the principles of the Charter and the Code at Gdańsk University of Technology, in the the Rector Decree No. 8/2017 of 26 May 2017.

HR award

'HR excellence in research' award was granted to Gdańsk University of Technology on 18 July 2017.