Implementation of Gdańsk Tech HRS4R for the period 2019-2022

The Gdańsk Tech HRS4R for the period 2019–2022 was gradually implemented by the competent working teams and organizational units. In addition, being the second research university in Poland and the highest ranked one among technical universities in the ‘Excellence Initiative – Research University’ competition, Gdańsk Tech has introduced a number of additional programs to support researchers since 2020. Simultaneously, as part of the POWER 3.5 project ‘Integrated development program of Gdańsk University of Technology’, in 2018-2022 the university worked on optimization and unification of selected processes at Gdańsk Tech. At the end of 2021, the Gender Equality Plan for Gdańsk University of Technology was introduced. On 1 April 2022, rector of Gdańsk Tech established the HR Center. Additionally, Gdańsk Tech launched an Office for Academic Rights, Values and Equal Treatment and moreover, in July 2022, the rector of Gdańsk Tech appointed a Team for monitoring the conditions of development and research conducted by young researchers. 

OTM-R Policy

At the same time, the OTM-R Policy was being established, which involved amending the Statute of the University. Finally, on 8 November 2022, the rector defined the rules of the Policy for the recruitment of academic teachers at Gdańsk University of Technology, founded on open, transparent, merit-based recruitment rules, called the OTM-R Policy.

Internal review

In October 2022, the Senate of Gdańsk University of Technology gave a positive opinion on the implementation of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at Gdańsk University of Technology in the years 2019–2022 and approved continuation of the University’s efforts to implement the principles of the European Charter and the Code in the years 2022–2025. The Internal review of action plan implementation was prepared. The formal completion of activities within the Gdańsk Tech HRS4R 2019-2022 took place on 27 October 2022. The monitoring team considered 12 tasks out of 16 as closed, suggested continuation of work and transfer of 10 tasks, developed further recommendations. On 9 November 2022, the Implementation Team agreed to the above-mentioned postulates, updated the wording of some actions and expanded the plan with activities proposed by the team of young researchers and resulting from meetings with focus groups and decision-making bodies of the University. 

HRS4R for the period 2022-2025

The corrective and improvement action plan for the implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code at Gdańsk Tech for the period 2022-2025 and the detailed action schedule were adopted in Regulation of the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology no. 74/2022 of 18 November 2022.