ENHANCE invites - staff week on intercultural skills | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-08-30

ENHANCE invites - staff week on intercultural skills

grafika staff week
Employees of Gdańsk University of Technology can apply now to participate in the ENHANCE Staff Week “Enhancing intercultural skills for the international workplace” which will take place from October 16-20 at RWTH Aachen University (Germany). The topic of the staff week is Internationalisation@home.

In 2022, Gdańsk University of Technology joined the ENHANCE Alliance - an association of 10 European technical universities. Thanks to the presence at ENHANCE, students and employees of Gdańsk Tech have the opportunity to participate in staff weeks, winter and summer schools, seminars and other interesting events on various topics. The next such an event will be organized by RWTH Aachen University (Germany) in October. 


General information about the staff week

The topic of the staff week is Internationalisation@home. During the staff week, participants will be invinted to share their experiences, learn about best-practices and experience RWTH’s internationalisation@home offers through a diverse program of trainings, discussions, guided visits and presentations. The full program of the staff week can be found here: ENHANCE Staff Week_RWTH (pdf, 1.32MB) 


16th-20th October 2023 


RWTH Aachen University (on-site event; it is not possible to participate in the event only online)

For who? 

The staff week is dedicated to technical and support staff who wish to improve their international and intercultural skills in order to be better prepared for communicating with international students, researchers and staff in their daily work. Both junior and senior staff are welcome. We strongly encourage the participation of colleagues who don’t usually get the chance to reflect on or train in aspects of internationalization in their daily activities.


Employees who will be selected to participate in the training will receive funding from Gdańsk Tech for mobility under the Erasmus+ program. In total, it will amount to EUR 1,075 (EUR 800 for individual support and EUR 275 for a return trip). Receiving a grant will require you to go through the Erasmus+ mobility procedure. Employees who use green means of transport will be able to count on additional funding for their trip (more information about it can be found here).

How to apply?

Employees interested in participating in the training have until September 10 to send their application. An application containing name/surname/position/unit/ and information whether the employee has previously benefited from trips to training/language courses under the Erasmus+ program should be sent to the e-mail address justyna.sudakowska@pg.edu.pl. E-mails confirming participation in the training will be sent to participants by September 12. Employees will be selected by lot. Gdańsk University of Technology may "nominate" up to 3 employees to participate in the training.

If you have any questions, please contact the International Relations Office at justyna.sudakowska@pg.edu.pl

The ENHANCE Alliance was founded in November 2019 as an association of ten European technical universities. Its goal is to create a European and interdisciplinary space for the interaction of innovative technological progress, society and our environment. Gdańsk University of Technology has been a member of ENHANCE since 2022. More about ENHANCE.