• 2022-01-14

    HumMilkPres project – obtained funding in the Small Grant Scheme 2020 competition

    The research project entitled. "Storage of human milk in unfrozen state under high pressure-subzero temperature conditions – new method of preservation" received funding in the Small Grant Scheme 2020 competition, announced by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the Applied Research Programme. The Principal Investigator is...

  • 2022-01-12

    What’s new in the field of superconductors?

    Wondering what’s new in the field of superconductors? Join us this Thursday, Jan 13, at 16:00 pm and get the latest information from a world-class specialist in this field, Professor Tuson Park from the Department of Physics of Sungkyunkwan University! Professor Tuson Park is the Head of the Center for Quantum Materials and Superconductivity of the Department of Physics of Sungkyunkwan...

  • 2022-01-11

    Virtual tour inside a ship thanks to an application

    What would it be like if you could immerse yourself in virtual reality and see the hull of a ship from a previously unavailable perspective? MSc. Ewelina Ciba from the Institute of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology is working on an application that will make it possible. Ewelina Ciba's project "Virtual Reality (VR) in designing the hull structure, application for Android and IOS systems"...

  • 2022-01-05

    Rapid COVID-19 screening

    Scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology designed a device that analyzes air samples of exhaled air for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Ultimately, the device will allow to obtain a result within a minute, for a symbolic “penny”, less inconveniently for the patient than the currently applied methods. Recognized by American media popularizing scientific achievements, the device is being tested...

  • 2022-01-03

    2021 at Gdańsk Tech: promotions in rankings, FarU, science, innovation and investments

    The past year at Gdańsk University of Technology was busy and effective, despite the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The university advanced or maintained high positions in national and international rankings, and its scientists conducted innovative research projects. The infrastructure base of Gdańsk Tech is also gradually improving, and cooperation with the universities that...

  • 2021-12-22

    Wishes for Christmas and the New Year

    May we all have Wonderful Christmas – filled with peace, joy and meetings with our loved ones.   May the New Year bring us the fulfillment of our dreams, time for passions, for cultivating our bonds and optimism in looking to the future.   Let's take care of ourselves and others during this special time!                                            ...

  • 2021-12-17

    Gdańsk University of Technology the “greenest” university in Poland

    In this year's edition of the UI GreenMetric ranking Gdańsk University of Technology scored the best among Polish universities, taking 134th place out of almost 1000 universities from around the world. The high position of Gdańsk Tech was determined by wide-ranging university policy regarding the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal of the European...

  • 2021-12-17

    Prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences

    Prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, vice-rector for organization and development, was elected the corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The Professor will represent the Division IV – Engineering Sciences.   Ordinary and corresponding members as well as members of the Academy of Young Scholars of PAN were elected during the general assembly on 3 December. PAN members are elected...