Aktualności | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Substantive evaluation of applications in the Am, Es and Eu programs during the vacation period

Am Es Eu

due to the vacation period, we would like to inform you that applications submitted to the Americium, Einsteinium and Europium programs between 15.07 - 31.08 will not be evaluated. Applications during the aforementioned period may be submitted, however, their evaluation will resume after September 1 this year.

Almost 455 thousand PLN granted for research on Morse theory

Maciej Starostka, PhD. Photo Krzysztof Krzempek / Gdańsk Tech
A research team led by Maciej Starostka, PhD, from the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, together with German scientists, will conduct a research project on Morse theory in analysis, dynamical systems and geometry. For this research, the Polish National Science Center has granted the mathematicians of Gdańsk Tech almost 455 thousand PLN (the Weave-UNISONO competition).

The award-winning project “Morse Theory in Analysis, Dynamical Systems and Geometry” will be carried out at Gdansk University of Technology under the direction of Maciej Starostka, PhD, and the foreign partner will be a team of mathematicians under the direction of Prof. Luca Asselle from Ruhr-Universität in Bochum.


60 candidates from all over Poland. Talent Scholarships awarded

stypendium talentów
A student's place at one of the best universities in the country, an individual study mode, the care of a scientific mentor and PLN 2,000 per month for the entire period of studies. This is what the six winners of the first edition of the Gdańsk University of Technology Talent Scholarship competition will receive.

– Out of 60 very interesting applications that came from all over Poland, we selected 6 people whose achievements and ambitious plans for the future impressed us - says Prof. Barbara Wikieł, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Chairwoman of the Competition Jury. – We are convinced that the Talent Scholarship reaches young people who love science, want to develop their talents and set themselves new challenges.

NATO at Gdańsk Tech. The University is to become the Alliance's "Living Lab"

From the left:  Mateusz Rzymowski (REVOBEAM), Prof. Łukasz Kulas (Gdańsk University of Technology), Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector (the Gdańsk University of Technology) and Paweł Lulewicz (the Polish Armament Group - Naval Shipyard)
Gdańsk University of Technology campus will be the first NATO Living Lab in Poland, a showcase for the latest defense technologies and inventions developed by scientists and military personnel from 32 Alliance countries. What's more, the NATO DIANA program also includes a structure that was developed by scientists at Gdańsk University of Technology.

Launched by NATO in 2023, DIANA's main task is to bring together scientists and research teams working in start-up companies and on cutting-edge solutions in the field of so-called deep technology (deep tech) with civilian and defense units. The group consists of 32 countries of the Alliance, including Poland. The Polish Ministry of Defense's Innovation Department is the coordinator of the country's participation in the accelerator.

More than 440 thousand PLN for the university’s internationalization

Welcome to Poland
Gdańsk University of Technology has received more than 440 thousand PLN for internationalization activities under the "Welcome to Poland" program of the National Academic Exchange Agency (NAWA). The International Relations Office will be responsible for the project “Internationalization of Gdańsk University of Technology: Development of WELCOME SERVICES / Promotion of WELCOME CULTURE”.

he National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has established the “Welcome to Poland” program with the goal of enhancing internationalization within Polish higher education institutions. NAWA's funding is intended to support initiatives that strengthen universities’ ability to accommodate international students and promote the institutions’ global reach and reputation.

A strategy for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals was created at Gdańsk Tech

Gdańsk University of Technology actively participates in implementation of the Declaration of University Social Responsibility (USR) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set out in the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN).

– Sustainable development is a long-term process that requires activity in a number of areas, including science, teaching and organization. As a university, we are aware of the importance of getting involved in these areas  says Prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, Vice-Rector for Organization and Development.

More than 440 thousand PLN for the university’s internationalization

More than 440 thousand PLN for the university’s internationalization
Gdańsk University of Technology has received more than 440 thousand PLN for internationalization activities under the "Welcome to Poland" program of the National Academic Exchange Agency (NAWA). The International Relations Office will be responsible for the project “Internationalization of Gdańsk University of Technology: Development of WELCOME SERVICES / Promotion of WELCOME CULTURE”.

The National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has established the “Welcome to Poland” program with the goal of enhancing internationalization within Polish higher education institutions. NAWA's funding is intended to support initiatives that strengthen universities’ ability to accommodate international students and promote the institutions’ global reach and reputation.

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