Applications for a place in the Student House for the academic year 2024/2025 should be submitted only via the electronic form available on the individual student account on the mojaPG portal in the Scholarships module (access will be possible after the list of admissions is announced).

The Scholarship Committee is responsible for the allocation of places at this stage.


  • 29 July - 7 August 2024 - submitting applications for places in SH.
  • 13 August 2024 - results of the allocation of seats.
  • 16 August – 19 August 2024 - lodging of appeals.
  • 23 August 2024 - results of examined appeals.

We do not document the material situation and we do not submit a paper version of the application!

A student who would like to attach additional documentation to the application in order to, for example, document a difficult access to the university (local students), should send a scan of the documents (or clear photos) to the following address: from his/her e-mail account in the domain; title of the message: "Documentation, application xxxxx", where "xxxxx" is the number of the application sent in the mojaPG portal. Documents must be uploaded after submitting the application on the mojaPG portal, but no later than 24 hours after submitting the application. Documentation that does not meet these conditions will not be considered.

A guarantee deposit must be paid until 31.08.2024. Failure to pay the deposit is tantamount to resignation from the allocated place in the Student House.
*The deposit must be paid to an individual bank account number available for each student on the mojaPG portal;
*Please enter – ‘deposit’ in the title of the transfer;
*The amount of the fee - PLN 500.