Two New Research Centers Created at Gdańsk Tech | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-05-26

Two New Research Centers Created at Gdańsk Tech

wind energy
Gdańsk University of Technology, in cooperation with the socio-economic environment, established two university-wide, interdisciplinary research centers: the Offshore Wind Energy Center and the Hydrogen Technologies Center. The task of both centers is to coordinate research, design and expert works for the construction of offshore wind farms and modern hydrogen technologies in the energy sector.

The Offshore Wind Energy Center brings together outstanding specialists from all areas of knowledge related to offshore wind energy and has a highly specialized laboratory base that allows for detailed identification of many technical and organizational problems in the construction and operation of offshore wind farms.

The center offers scientific support in the field of design, manufacturing technology, operation of offshore wind farms, conducts research, advises on how to solve technical problems, and trains management and engineering staff.

The center's activities are focused on such research areas as: design of special vessels, diagnostics of the mechanical and hydraulic system of a wind turbine, design and diagnostics of a wind turbine rotor, comprehensive corrosion protection of wind turbine towers, underwater and water safety of wind farms, foundation of offshore wind turbines, design of storage systems for excess wind energy, design of power control and electricity transmission systems, staff training and management in offshore wind energy.

The Hydrogen Technologies Center is the first unit of this type in Poland to offer research services related to hydrogen. The Center concentrates on the competences in the field of processing, storing and combustion of hydrogen as well as processing energy obtained in fuel cells.

The Center is a unit dedicated to cooperation with the industry, including the practical application of scientific achievements, and deals with comprehensive service of hydrogen projects (from the concept phase, through designing solutions, modeling the manufacturing process as well as diagnostics and maintenance of the developed solutions), as well as the development and maintenance of existing technologies using hydrogen. Moreover, it offers specialized services necessary when applying for European funds, specialized expertise for which modern diagnostic and measurement equipment is used, commissioned tests, organization of training courses.

The Center's activities are focused on the following research areas: fuel cell diagnostics, hydrogen storage (chemical hydrogen storage), hydrogen production (biohydrogen), energy production (functional coatings), energy conversion (automation / power engineering), modeling of hydrogen processes (modeling / decision-making support systems / artificial intelligence).