• 2024-06-22

    New KRPUT authorities were elected at Gdańsk University of Technology

    Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, rector of the Lodz University of Technology, took up the position of chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities. From September he will replace prof. Teofil Jesionowski from the Poznań University of Technology. One of the vice-chairmen is once again prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Gdańsk Tech rector.   The elections of new authorities took...

  • 2024-06-21

    Gdańsk Tech will spend PLN 55 million to build a cloud platform

    Gdańsk University of Technology will work on the CAISE cloud platform for the creation of universal intelligent services that will be used in various areas of public activity, including: justice, health care and education. Gdańsk Tech, as the only university, obtained almost PLN 55 million for the implementation of this project from the competition of the National Center for Research and...

  • 2024-06-19

    Gdańsk University of Technology joined the EUPRIO association

    Our university has joined the European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education (EUPRIO) – the largest association in Europe connecting units responsible for the promotion and protection of the university brand, marketing communication, popularization of science and media relations.   During the last EUPRIO conference, which took place last week at the University of...

  • 2024-06-19

    PhD student to create a universal vector modulation algorithm for inverters

    Dmytro Kondratenko chose Gdansk University of Technology to pursue his master's degree here and complete the Doctoral School. The scientist conducts research in the field of Automation, Electronic, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies, focusing primarily on multi-motor drive systems. In his dissertation, he developed a special modulation algorithm for three-level voltage source...

  • 2024-06-19

    The RedOx Scientific Club – the first affiliated scientific club in Poland at ECS

    The RedOx Scientific Club, which brings together students and PhD students from different Gdańsk Tech Faculties, has become the first affiliated scientific club in Poland at ECS – The Electrochemical Society. ECS Students Chapter offers a patronage program for students associated in the scientific clubs all over the world, offering free membership, co-finance of the research work by the...

  • 2024-06-13

    Gdańsk Tech Went Up in the QS World University Rankings

    Published since 2004, the QS World University Rankings list is one of the most prestigious rankings of higher education institutions in the world. In the latest QS WUR 2024, Gdańsk University of Technology has improved its score by one range compared to last year, and is now ranked between 801 and 850 place.  The ranking takes into account 9 performance indicators with different weights. The...

  • 2024-06-13

    Final of the 2nd edition of the Hydrogen Academy at Gdańsk University of Technology

    Two days of various lectures, laboratory classes and interesting meetings of students and scientists are the program of the meeting of participants of the 2nd edition of the Hydrogen Academy, which took place at Gdańsk University of Technology on 8-9 June. Hydrogen Academy is an educational program addressed to 3rd, 4th and 5th year students and university graduates who are under 27 years of...

  • 2024-06-13

    Gdańsk University of Technology to receive over PLN 7.3 million for research

    Researchers at Gdansk University of Technology will receive research funds under OPUS 26 and SONATA 19 calls of the National Science Center. Total funds granted to Gdańsk Tech amount to over PLN 7.3 million. Projects from Gdansk University of Technology that qualified for funding: SONATA 19 “Can photointercalation negatively affect the efficiency of photoanodes? Exploring...