• 2020-11-18

    Gdańsk University of Technology on the highest podium of the Polish Academic Championships

    Gdańsk University of Technology became the academic champion of Poland, outclassing its opponents both in the general classification and in the classification of technical universities. Only the representatives of our university performed in all 48 disciplines.   In the general classification, GUT scored 301 points more than the second-placed University of Warsaw and 499.5 points more...

  • 2020-11-17

    Call for applications for two programs for GUT scientists

    Receipt of applications for two programs, which are part of the implementation of EIRU tasks in the field of the quality of education of students and doctoral students - Plutonium and Technetium, has started. Applications for grants may be presented by research clubs and academic teachers mentoring especially gifted students. Up to PLN 300 000 can be obtained by a research club that will take...

  • 2020-11-17

    Scholarships for talented 1st year students of Gdańsk University of Technology

    Similarly to the previous years, students starting their studies at Gdańsk University of Technology have a chance to receive scholarships from the first year of their studies. The application must be submitted by Monday, 30 November 2020. First of all, creative successes as well as outstanding academic results will be taken into account. Priority will be given to the participants of the "Zdolni...

  • 2020-11-13

    Awards for the Student Government of Gdańsk University of Technology

    For the Student Government of Gdańsk University of Technology the end of the year means: firstly - elections for a new term, and secondly - decisions of internal and national plebiscites in which the best students, research clubs and student projects are awarded. This year, SGGUT received three prestigious awards. Despite the difficulties resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, the Student...

  • 2020-11-06

    Smart Cities - invitation for the course

    Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), together with the ERASMUS+ Project Strengthening Governance Capacity for Smart Sustainable Cities (CAP4CITY), starts the MOOC of Open and Smart Government. The course is completely free, taught in English, with the option of downloading the presentations and subtitles. Prof. PhD. Aleksander Orłowski, PhD. Magdalena Ciesielska, and  PhD. Grażyna...

  • 2020-11-06

    Intake for international candidates for summer semester AY 2020/21 is open

    Candidates may apply for master programmes with English as medium of instruction to start the studies in February 2021. For summer semester GUT offers 7 master programmes in English: Master of Science in Architecture           Master of Science in Civil Engineering   Master of Science in Environmental Engineering             Master of Science in Green...

  • 2020-11-05

    Cooperative Education Program with Dezhou University

    The Chinese Ministry of Education has approved an undergraduate cooperative education program between Gdańsk University of Technology and Dezhou University (DZU) seated in the Shandong Province in the People’s Republic of China. The GUT’s part of the undertaking is an interfaculty program in Power Engineering run by the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical...

  • 2020-11-05

    The international Galileo Award for an architect from GUT

    Dr. Eng. Arch. Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska, assistant professor at the Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes, Faculty of Architecture GUT, was awarded the international Galileo Award 2020, by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) which is based in the USA. The Galileo Award was established by the IDA Europe in 2003 and has traditionally been presented at the European...