What happens after submitting the application?

After submitting the application in the MojaPG system, it is visible in the Scholarships -> My Applications tab. The application receives one of the following statuses.

Status "sent"

The student has not submitted a paper or electronic version of the application or the application has not yet been accepted in the system by a member of the Committee. If you have submitted your application and the status is still “sent” after a few days, please contact us. The application in this status is not processed.

Status "received"

The paper version of the application was delivered physically to the Committee, and its member accepted the application in the system or the electronic version of the application was correctly received in the electronic inbox of Gdańsk University of Technology.

Status "to improve"

The committee calls the student if there are any deficiencies in the application or if additional clarification is needed. Most often, this status results from incomplete or incomprehensible documentation for the Committee, it also occurs when the application lacks, for example, Polish contact details. After receiving this status, the system generates an automatic e-mail. You should also expect a telephone contact from the Committee or a letter containing a paper (or electronic, delivered to the student's ePUAP mailbox, in the case of electronic applications) request for supplementation. After receiving the call, the student is given a minimum of 7 days to supplement the deficiencies. In the event of failure to remedy all the deficiencies listed in the summons within the prescribed period, the application shall not be considered.

Remember to update your correspondence address in the MojaPG system! After 14 days, an unclaimed letter with a summons is treated as received (in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure) and the deadline for completing the documentation begins.

Status "being processed"

The application is being processed, i.e. the income per family member of the student is calculated, the achievements reported by the student are assessed, etc.

Status "waiting for decision"

The application has been processed and will be presented at the meeting of the Scholarship Committee to decide whether or not to grant a benefit. It happens that the application, after receiving this status, is again "requested for supplementation" or receives the status "under consideration".

Statuses "granted", "declined"

The statuses provide information on the decision taken by the Committee, but it is not a formal decision. It may take several days from the change of status in the system to the receipt of the decision, due to the time needed to prepare it.