Rector's scholarship, scholarship for the disabled people and hardship scholarship

A student from abroad may apply for the rector's scholarship, scholarship for the disabled and the hardship scholarship on the same terms as students - Polish citizens. In the case of a scholarship for disabled people, a Polish disability certificate (issued by a Polish authority) is required.

Maintenance scholarship

A foreign student may apply for a maintenance scholarship only if they meet one of the following conditions (from the Act on Higher Education and Science).

- a foreigner who has been granted a permanent residence permit or a long-term resident of the European Union;
- a foreigner who has been granted a temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstances referred to in Art. 159 paragraph 1 or Art. 186 paragraph 1 point 3 or 4 of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 2354 and of 2022, item 91);

- a foreigner who has the refugee status granted in the Republic of Poland or enjoys temporary protection or subsidiary protection under territory of the Republic of Poland;
- a foreigner - the holder of a certificate confirming knowledge of Polish as a foreign language, referred to in Art. 11a paragraph. 2 of the Act of 7 October 1999 on the Polish language (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 672), at least at the C1 language proficiency level;
- holder of a Pole's Card or a person who was issued with a decision confirming Polish origin;
- a foreigner who is a spouse, ascendant or descendant of a citizen of the Republic of Poland, living on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
- a foreigner who has been granted a temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstances referred to in Art. 151 paragraph 1 or Art. 151b paragraph 1 of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners, or staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with the use of short-term mobility of a researcher under the conditions specified in Art. 156b paragraph 1 of this Act or holding a national visa for the purpose of research or development work.

It is necessary to provide all the required documents with the application

Check how to apply