What are the reasons for reporting a change of situation?

  1. If something changed in your family's situation while receiving the scholarship, i.e.:
    - the composition of the family has changed (e.g. death of a family member, graduation of a family member) - obligatory
    - the family member's income has changed (only if the change qualifies as a loss / gain of income); reporting the gained income is obligatory, reporting the loss of income is voluntary.
  2. If the maintenance scholarship was not granted, but a change in the situation decreased the income per family member and, as a result, changed the right to receive a maintenance scholarship - voluntary. Remember that you can apply for a maintenance scholarship at any time (until the end of June).

The Committee will recalculate your family's income and issue a new decision.

How do I report a change of situation?

The relevant documents should be submitted to the Committee:

  1. Always: Annex 2d to the Regulations of benefits for students of Gdańsk University of Technology - a declaration of a change in circumstances affecting the granted / not granted entitlement to a maintenance scholarship.
  2. In case of loss of income: documents listed here without Appendix 2b. You can report a loss of income at any time.
  3. In case of income gained: documents listed here without Appendix 2c. If you have received any income, you must report it as soon as you receive your second paycheck. Not sooner or later. The Committee includes the second received payment to the family income - the net amount.
  4. In the case of a change in the composition of the family: documents confirming the change in the composition of the family (e.g. death certificate, certificate from the university) - the application should be made immediately.