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Best Wishes for Christmas

Christmas Tree
Wonderful and Happy Christmas – filled with peace,
joy and meetings with our loved ones.
May the New Year bring us the fulfillment of our dreams,
time for passions, for cultivating our bonds
and optimism in looking to the future.
                                                      Rector and Senate of Gdańsk Tech 

Vice-Rector of Vietnamese Dong A University in Da Nang visits Gdańsk Tech

Prof. Hoang Anh Tuan, Vice-Rector of Dong A University in Da Nang, Vietnam, is at Gdańsk University of Technology as part of the Einsteinium program within the Excellence Initiative - Research University. On Monday, 18 December, Prof. Hoang Anh Tuan was the guest of Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Rector of Gdańsk Tech. The researcher will give a lecture at the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology.

The meeting of Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Rector of Gdańsk Tech and Prof. Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan, Vice-Rector of Don A University, was an opportunity to talk and exchange experiences between the representatives of two seaside universities.  During the meeting, Prof. Hoang Anh Tuan also made an entry in the Commemorative Book of Gdańsk Tech. The meeting was attended by Prof.

Jean Monnet Program - informational webinar (registration until January 4th)

The National Agency for the Erasmus+ Program and European Solidarity Corps invites participation in a webinar on the call for proposals for the "Jean Monnet" action (part of the Erasmus+ program) in 2024. The meeting will take place on Thursday, January 11, but registration for the event is only open until January 4.

[the webinar will be conducted in Polish]

The European Commission initiated the "Jean Monnet" actions in 1989 to support outstanding achievements in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. These actions have always been directed towards higher education institutions. Approximately 9,000 academics and over 1,000 universities in about 100 countries have received financial support, enabling them to integrate new content in European studies into their curricula.

Open call: Erasmus+ cooperation with third countries (open until January 15th)

group of people
The International Relations Office encourages faculties to participate in a project related to the mobility of students and staff within the Erasmus+ program - cooperation with non-associated countries. The deadline for submitting applications is January 15.

In early 2024, Gdańsk University of Technology will again apply for funding for student mobility (outgoing/incoming for studies and internships) and staff mobility (outgoing/incoming for training and lectures) within the Erasmus+ program - cooperation with third countries, non-associated (known as KA171).

The list of countries eligible for funding includes over 170 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and North America, plus Australia, divided into 12 regions. The list of countries covered by the project can be found here: 

Run for Fun. Several hundred people running together round the campus

Photo: Robert Gadomski/Piotr Walczak
Nearly three hundred participants took part in the first "Run for Fun" race, which took place on 18 December on the campus of Gdańsk University of Technology.

Employees and students of Gdańsk University of Technology, as well as representatives of the University of Gdańsk and the Medical University of Gdańsk took part in the run.

– Run and have great fun, the weather has been arranged especially for you – said Prof Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech at the beginning of the race.

Christmas wishes

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

As Christmas approaches,
we wish you much warmth and joy with your loved ones,
and may it be a time filled with peace and love.

May the New Year bring you the energy to act
and all your plans come to fruition.

Have a healthy and merry Christmas!

Director and the Gdańsk Tech Library Employees

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