• 2020-11-06

    Intake for international candidates for summer semester AY 2020/21 is open

    Candidates may apply for master programmes with English as medium of instruction to start the studies in February 2021. For summer semester GUT offers 7 master programmes in English: Master of Science in Architecture           Master of Science in Civil Engineering   Master of Science in Environmental Engineering             Master of Science in Green...

  • 2020-10-22

    GUT functioning in the epidemic state - all announcements

    All information on the functioning of Gdańsk University of Technology in the academic year 2020/2021 in connection with the epidemic situation is available on dedicated site: Coronavirus Please keep track of the information that is constantly being updated.

  • 2020-10-16

    Gdańsk in the red zone. The functioning of the university and safety rules

    From Saturday, 17 October Gdańsk will be on the list of cities and counties in the so-called ‘red zone’, with additional restrictions related to counteracting the spread of the coronavirus. Therefore, the authorities of Gdańsk University of Technology issued a Decree that contains a comprehensive list of rules of conduct in the event of suspected infection and of remaining on the GUT...

  • 2020-09-29

    A modern metrology laboratory is being built at GUT

    One of the most modern metrology laboratories in northern Poland will be established in the Department of Machine Technology and Production Automation at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology. This is the result of a cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mitutoyo Polska, which begins joint activities to use advanced measuring...

  • 2020-09-16

    Inauguration of the academic year 2020/2021

    The ceremonial meeting of the Senate of Gdańsk University of Technology inaugurating the 2020/2021 academic year will be held on 2 October at 11.15 am. This year, due to the epidemic situation, the main ceremony inaugurating the new academic year will be held in a hybrid manner. The list of direct participants of the Solemn Senate Session has been limited, while all others will be able to...

  • 2020-09-10

    Stationary and remote. Organization of classes at GUT in the 2020/2021 academic year according to a hybrid model

    The 2020/2021 academic year will traditionally start at Gdańsk University of Technology on 1 October. However, it will be different than usually: full-time classes at the university will be held only for first-year and graduate (diploma) students, but even in their case, lectures will most often be held remotely. The remaining years/semesters will start the year with learning entirely online. ...

  • 2020-09-09

    The second part of the prototype facility will be built in the Gdańsk Science and Technology Park

    Excento - special purpose vehicle of Gdańsk University of Technology and the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone have signed a cooperation agreement under which the Protolab II prototype facility will be built in the Gdańsk Science and Technology Park. - By expanding Protolab in cooperation with the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, we co-create an ecosystem friendly to the development of new...

  • 2020-09-02

    Gdańsk University of Technology authorities for the 2020-2024 term

    A new term of office of Gdańsk University of Technology starts at the beginning of September. Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, PhD, DSC, Eng. Corresponding member of the PAS will still be the rector, while the current vice-rectors will remain in their posts. In six of the nine faculties, the deans will be replaced by new persons and the deputy deans will also change. The new term of the GUT Senate in a...