Data dodania: 2023-11-08
Let's all do our bit for the environment by using water dispensers and reducing our plastic consumption!
Instead of using disposable water, students and staff can easily and conveniently fill their reusable cups or bottles, helping to protect the environment and reduce plastic production.
The dispensers are located in the main University buildings to ensure easy access to drinking water on campus:
- Main Building - 7 dispensers (next to rooms 11, 64, 113, 160, 210, 260 and in the Rector's Office)
- Building B - 5 dispensers (level 0, bursar's office, level 1,2,3)
- Novum Auditorium - 1 dispenser (level 0)
- ETI Building B - 1 dispenser (level 1)
- Academic Sports Centre - 1 dispenser (level 0)
- Faculty of Chemistry Building C - 1 dispenser (level 0)
All dispensers are equipped with counters that allow you to monitor the number of bottles saved on an ongoing basis.
The availability of dispensers has many environmental and economic benefits. Eliminating single-use packaging helps reduce the overproduction of plastic, reduces waste and minimises the emission of pollutants associated with the production and disposal of plastic. Water from dispensers is available free of charge, reducing the need to purchase bottled water while providing convenient access to fresh drinking water.
We encourage all members of the academic community to use the water dispensers and avoid plastic bottles. It is a simple and effective way to actively participate in environmental activities that help build a more sustainable future.
Wspólnie zbudujmy świąteczne Eko-inki!