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Gdańsk Tech project with funding

Dłoń na dłoni - grupa osób okazująca wzajemne wsparcie
Over PLN 120,000 was obtained by the International Relations Office for the implementation of the project titled "Creating an emotional support system for international students at Gdańsk University of Technology". The first activities are planned for the beginning of the new academic year.

The project received funding from the National Agency for Academic Exchange "Welcome to Poland" program, which aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of universities in the area of ​​servicing international students and employees. In addition to Gdańsk University of Technology's application, 35 projects from all over Poland received a positive formal and substantive assessment.


The best of the best marketing and promotion specialists in the academic world

Albert Einstain
Gdańsk University of Technology took 3rd place in Genius Universitatis 2022 - an open marketing competition organized by the "Perspektywy" Foundation, addressed to all Polish universities, including faculties and institutes. 37 universities took part in this year's edition, and 79 projects were assessed. We won the podium thanks to the idea and implementation of the Virtual Open Day, which took place on 21 March 2021, during the pandemic, and enjoyed a huge attendance of those interested in studying at Gdańsk Tech.

The Genius Universitatis competition, organized by the "Perspektywy" Foundation, aims to promote modern and innovative practices and marketing tools used by universities to support recruitment for studies and promotion of the entire university or a given faculty / institute. Universities could submit works in one or more of the eight competition categories. The applications were evaluated by the jury composed of marketing experts led by prof. Artur Krajewski, PhD, DSc from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.

Improving scholarly journal publishing and visibility

As publishers of scholarly journals, institutions often struggle with publishing workflows, IT requirements and increasing the visibility of produced content. Join us for this webinar to learn how to overcome these challenges and meet your publishing goals. Central Mining Institute (PL), publisher of the Journal of Sustainable Mining, will share the secrets of their success since launching of the journal on the Digital Commons all-in-one publishing platform.

mężczyzna pracujący na tablecie z filiżanką kawy

Increasing Journal Success with Scopus

Learn the answers to frequently asked questions about journal indexation in the Scopus database. Discover how the Scopus database can be used by scientific journal editors in achieving their goals given today's challenges. Editors will have an opportunity to learn also what are the most commonly met shortcomings in journals and how they can be remedied, so that the journal chances of being indexed are boosted.

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What's new with Scopus and SciVal?

Scopus is the largest database of abstracts and citations from peer-reviewed sources and is equipped with tools to track, analyse and visualize data about scientific publications. The SciVal platform is a ready-to-use solution with unmatched performance and flexibility that enables you to visualize research performance, compare it with other institutions and researchers, establish collaborations, and analyse science trends. During this webinar, we will share information on what new functionalities have appeared in the Scopus and SciVal in the last 6 months.

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Science Direct: Knowledge at your fingertips

Learn how you can find and access relevant, meaningful and interesting scientific content. It doesn't matter if you are looking for journals, books or other documents – ScienceDirect has it all seamlessly accessible. Discover how ScienceDirect can support researchers, as well as teachers and students, learn how to search for relevant literature and how to stay current and on top of your research field.

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A powerful crane is delivering aggregates for the roof of the STOS CC of Gdańsk University of Technology

The construction of the STOS Competence Center (Smart and Transdisciplinary knOwledge Services) of Gdańsk University of Technology is entering its decisive phase. The first start-ups and tests on the installations of this innovative facility have already begun. In order for one of the most modern server rooms in Europe to be reliable, even in the event of a power failure, a huge crane delivers two 40-ton power generators to the roof of the building. However, this is only one of the many projects that are currently under way at the construction site.

STOS CC of Gdańsk University of Technology is being built on the university campus at Traugutta Street. It is here that the Gdańsk Tech headquarters of the Information Center of the Tri-City Academic Computer Network will be located. The investment is to act as a multidisciplinary data collection and processing center - in accordance with the latest global standards. The possibilities of STOS CC can also be used for scientific research in the field of physics, astronomy, but also biotechnology and medicine.

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