Aktualności | Gdańsk University of Technology

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PhD student with the award of the audience in the competition "My doctorate in 180 seconds"

In the picture: Ahmed Lakhdar Kouzou
Ahmed Lakhdar Kouzou, a PhD student representing the Gdańsk Tech Doctoral School, received the audience award in the competition "My PhD in 180 seconds", organized by the French Culture Center (CCFEF), the Plejada association and the French Institute.

The Polish edition of the "My PhD in 180 seconds" competition enables the presentation of research topics for doctoral students from various universities to a wide audience. Each participant must present a clear, concise and convincing presentation of their research project in French within three minutes. Works from any field could be submitted for the competition: from mathematics, through literature and biology, to architecture and many others.


Scholarships - announcement of results

A women with money
Two of the best international students, who started their studies at second cycle of studies in the summer semester of the academic year 2021/2022, received scholarships. Congratulations!

Two of the best students will receive annual scholarships of PLN 1,250.00 per month (approximately EUR 255). The scholarship may be extended for another academic year if the student completes the first two semesters without any credit debt.

Students who have been awarded scholarships:
student ID number: 178976 (score: 8,09 points)
student ID number: 192146 (score: 7,59 points)

Gdańsk University of Technology Open Days 2022 attracted crowds of students

Photo: Dawid Linkowski / Gdańsk Tech
Hundreds of high school graduates visiting the student town in front of the Main Building, nearly 32 thousand users on the Wirtualna PG website and over 2.5 thousand online event registrations. Gdańsk University of Technology Open Days 2022 are over.

This year's Open Days of Gdańsk University of Technology, dedicated to high school students who are thinking about technical studies, were very popular both stationary and online.


Experts will support Ukrainian cities in rebuilding the damage after the war

Experts in the field of construction, hydraulic engineering, melioration and water supply discussed during the meeting with prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of GUT, on the development of a joint system of aid activities that would help in the reconstruction of Ukrainian cities after the end of hostilities. Photo Maciej Dzwonnik / Gdańsk University of Technology
On Wednesday, 23 March 2022, a meeting of the university rector, prof. Krzysztof Wilde with representatives of Pomeranian District Chamber of Civil Engineers and the municipal company Gdańskie Wody (Gdańsk Waters) took place. Experts in the field of construction, hydraulic engineering, melioration and water supply discussed the development of a joint system of aid activities that would help in the reconstruction of Ukrainian cities after the end of the war.

Apart from prof.


Tips and Best Practices to Get Published from IEEE

This free live webinar will provide authors with best practices in preparing a manuscript, navigating the journal submission process, and important tips to help an author get published. It will also review the opportunities authors and academic institutions have to enhance the visibility and impact of their research by publishing in the many open access options available from IEEE.

mężczyzna pracujący na tablecie z filiżanką kawy

Support for the partner university in Zaporizhia

Gdańsk Tech building in Ukrainian colors
In relation to the situation in Ukraine, Gdańsk University of Technology is organizing another aid action - this time for employees of the partner, Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University.

The following Monday and Tuesday (March 28th and 29th), faculties will accept food with a long shelf life (only in durable packaging, e.g. canned meat) and medical supplies (bandages, painkillers and wound disinfectants). Information on the collection points and hours of receipt of items will be published on the websites of each faculty.

Support for students from Ukraine

Gdańsk Tech building in Ukrainian colors
Students who interrupted their studies in Ukraine due to hostilities - may apply for admission to education at the Gdańsk University of Technology.

We invite students - citizens of Ukraine who were students of a university operating in Ukraine, who entered Poland in the period from February 24 and declared their intention to stay on the territory of Poland, to submit applications for admission to education at the Gdańsk University of Technology.

The best high schools and secondary technical schools in Pomerania awarded

The Gala of the Pomeranian Ranking of High Schools and Secondary Technical Schools Perspektywy 2022, which was one of the elements of the Gdańsk Tech Open Days is over. During the event, prof. Krzysztof Wilde, the rector of Gdańsk University of Technology and Józef Sarnowski, a member of the board of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, honored the best high schools and technical secondary schools. Representatives of the awarded schools planted trees on the campus, that are to be a symbol of the place where new scientific talents are growing.  

On 21 March, in the Gdańsk Tech Hydromechanics building, a ceremony was held to honor the best secondary schools in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, that is the Pomeranian Ranking of High Schools and Secondary Technical Schools Perspektywy 2022. Local government authorities and the authorities of the university itself, as well as representatives of the winning schools were invited to the event.

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