Aktualności | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology campus

The Gdańsk University of Technology is part of the European and global academic community. The University Community works to enhance social well-being and sustainability of the Earth's ecosystem - in cooperation with universities from Europe and the world, and with entities from other sectors.



The International Relations Office, as part of the international programs and projects conducted at Gdańsk University of Technology, offers services for students in the following areas: 

Gdańsk University of Technology has established cooperation with Northvolt

In the photo from left to right: Peter Carlsson (CEO - Northvolt), Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Rector of Gdańsk Tech, Robert Chryc Gawrychowski (CEO - Northvolt Poland), Prof. Wojciech Sumelka, Vice-Rector for Science (Poznań University of Technology), Emad Zand (President of Battery Systems - Northvolt). Photo Grzegorz Mehring / Gdansk.pl
Work has started on the construction of the Northvolt factory, located in Gdańsk Stogi, which will produce modern and sustainable energy storage systems. Scientists, students and doctoral students of Gdańsk University of Technology will participate in the development of the center.

Northvolt is one of the largest companies in the world dedicated to developing and delivering top-quality, sustainable battery and energy storage solutions. On Wednesday, 8 December in Gdańsk - Stogi the company launched the construction of a factory with an area of 50,000 m2. The project is worth approximately USD 200 million, and Gdańsk University of Technology will help in its development.


The International Relations Office (IRO) within the framework of international programs and projects conducted at Gdańsk Tech provides employees with services in the following areas:

1. organization of trips abroad for training, research and teaching purposes (for academic staff);

Remote classes at Gdańsk University of Technology in the days 3-7 January 2022.

A girl sitting with the laptop
On 3-7 January 2022, all classes for students at Gdańsk University of Technology will be held remotely.

By the decision of the authorities of all Gdańsk Tech faculties and in agreement with the university authorities, classes in the first week of the New Year, i.e. in the days 3-7 January, will be conducted remotely. The change is introduced temporarily, due to the increasing number of infections and worsening epidemic situation in the country, as well as the threat of an even more dynamic development of the pandemic during the pre-holiday migrations.

Quantum materials simply explained! Professor Wiewei Xie from Rutgers University at FAP&M.

Professor Wiewei Xie
Professor Wiewei Xie, the holder of a great number of awards and recognitions, called “a leader in the design and discovery of quantum materials at Louisiana State University”, currently, a faculty member of the Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences, will run on-line classes for the students of the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics.

Professor Xie received her Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Nankai University (Tianjin, China, 2010). Afterwards, she moved to Iowa State University, where she finished her doctoral studies (2014), and continued her research as a Postdoctoral Scholar at Princeton University. Right after, she was contracted as an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry of Louisiana State University.

Trial access to the EventStudy Tools

logo serwisu EventStudy Tool
| 07.12.2021 - 17.01.2022

EventStudy Tools offers tools that assist in event study research such as event study analyses, event history analyses, or optimal-matching analyses. The website’s algorithms and tools also allow for the sourcing of analysis parameters from large amounts of texts, as common in the Finance research field News Analytics or Strategy’s Competitive Dynamics field. Trial access holds the following tools:

European patent for technology developed at Gdańsk Tech

Logo of Chitone
The European Patent Office (EPO) issued a positive decision on granting exclusive protection rights to Gdańsk University of Technology under the European patent for the innovative technology of chitosan-based hydrogels production - ChitoVelum®, which constitutes the foundations for the activities of Chitone Sp.z o.o. company.

The European Patent Office (EPO) issued a positive decision on granting exclusive protection rights to Gdańsk University of Technology under the European patent for the innovative technology of chitosan-based hydrogels production - ChitoVelum®, which constitutes the foundations for the activities of Chitone Sp.z o.o. company.

International Scientific Effectiveness Board (ISEB) visiting Gdańsk Tech

ISEB members in the Senate Hall. From left to right: Sławomir Smoleń, Marc Zolver, Francisco José Mora Más, Mika Hannula, and Eugenijus Valatka (not appearing in the picture is Roberto Zanino who joined the group in the evening Dec. 2)
The beginning of December saw the long-awaited in-person visit of the International Scientific Effectiveness Board (ISEB) at Gdańsk Tech. ISEB is an advisory and monitoring body foreseen in the implementation plan of the IDUB excellence project and appointed at the beginning of this year.

ISEB members, Mika Hannula (Vice-Rector for Partnerships and Strategic Engagement, University of Turku, Finland), Francisco José Mora Más (Rector 2013–2021, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain), Sławomir Smoleń (professor, Hochschule Bremen, Germany), Eugenijus Valatka (Rector, Kaunas Universit

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