Aktualności | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Unveiling the plaque in commemoration of the help offered to the Hungarians in 1956

Unveiling the plaque  by 4 people
On 26 October, we held a ceremony in the Main Building of Gdańsk University of Technology unveiling a plaque which commemorates the help to Hungarians who fought for sovereignty of their country in 1956, provided by, inter alia, students of Gdańsk University of Technology and residents of Gdańsk. There is also an exhibition prepared by the Institute of National Remembrance in Gdańsk: "Solidarity with Hungary. Help of Gdańsk residents for Hungarian insurgents in 1956 ”, available in the hall, in front of the Main Library, which will be on display until 15 November.  

 We commemorate the events of 1956 in Hungary and the help and support that Polish society, including employees and students of Gdańsk University of Technology, brought to our friends from Hungary - said Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, during the opening ceremony.

Announcement about the obligation to wear masks at Gdańsk Tech

A girl in the mask
Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, reminds employees and students of the obligation to cover their mouth and nose in buildings around the university premises.

Pursuant to Regulation No. 66/2021, students, doctoral students, participants of postgraduate studies, university employees and other persons conducting classes are required to cover their mouth and nose with a mask in generally accessible places, in all campus buildings.

FarU inter-university mail system

A girl sendin a letter
At the beginning of November this year, the Fahrenheit Union of Universities launches inter-university mail system in an attempt to improve the circulation of documents between the MUG, Gdańsk Tech and UG.

In monthly cycles, each of the member universities will deliver and collect documents in the morning hours. The first to do the task will be the University of Gdańsk, then the Medical University of Gdańsk and then Gdańsk University of Technology.

Join us every Wednesday evening in Café Lingua!

Three happy person
Cafe Lingua is a weekly event organized by the Gdańsk University of Technology Language Centre together with the Academic Sports Centre and Mathematics Centre. Polish and international students meet to socialise and communicate in different languages in a relaxed atmosphere.

In Café Lingua you will have a chance to meet new people, speak any language you wish, take part in quizzes, team games and activities. You can also enjoy amazing karaoke nights with us.

English is going to be the main language of communication, but we will also arrange other language zones, such as Spanish, German, Italian, Polish or Chinese, it is up to you how many.


Team of Prof. Zbigniew Krzemiński winners of the Grand Challenge: Energy competition

Team of Prof. Zbigniew Krzemiński
The MMB team from Gdańsk, composed mostly of the graduates of Gdańsk University of Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Zbigniew Krzemiński, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at Gdańk Tech, won the Grand Challenge: Energy competition, which final took place on Saturday, 16 October at PGE National Stadium. The team won 1 million PLN prize for the best prototype of a home wind turbine.

The competition was organized by the National Centre for Research and Development, thanks to the support of the European Funds under the Smart Growth Operational Programme.


Scholarship for the new international students - open call

Students sitting at the laptop
Gdańsk University of Technology Relations Office invites newly enrolled foreigners to apply for a scholarship. Best 5 bachelor students and best 2 master students will receive monthly scholarship in amount 1250 PLN.

Who can apply?

Foreigners newly enrolled for I and II cycle studies on the tuition fee payment basis (according to Annexe to the Rector's Circular Letter No. 63/2020 of 10 December 2020). 

How to apply?

Apply with listed below documents and send it together with application form (download HERE) to the address study@pg.edu.pl till 29.10.2021. 

Bachelor students:

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